Saturday, April 28, 2007

Doctor's Good-Bye

Doctor's Good-Bye

The warm summer sun shown down upon the countless headstones in the graveyard. A balding man stood next to one, the freshly packed dirt evidence that the grave keepers had recently finished their work.

The Doctor’s hand passed over the name and date. Once again, he wished he were capable of tears that he could express the sorrow and guilt he was feeling. He had saved countless lives, had repaired more injuries then he could remember. Yet when it came to his own daughter, injured while participating in an activity that he encouraged, he was helpless. Despite his expert skills and hour upon hour of surgery, the trauma to her head had been too severe. Despite his best efforts, she had died.

He placed a rose next to her racquet, stood, and looked around. Most of the mourners had already left. The only ones who remained were his wife and son, and his crewmates. Their dress uniforms causing them to stand out from the others who had attended the funeral.

He walked over and pulled his family to him. Tears flowed from their eyes as he held them. After a moment, he kissed each of them and made his way to where his crewmates stood.

“It was a lovely service.” The Captain said as he approached.

The Doctor shook each of their hands. “Thank you Captain. Thank all of you for coming. Especially you Tom.”

Tom looked at the Doctor in surprise.

“You were right Tom. When I realized that there was nothing I could do to save Belle, I tried to run. You were the one who showed me that I was needed here. That they needed me now, as much as I needed them."

“Who would have thought that Tom could come up with something so sensitive and caring.” Harry said, chuckling.

“I can be caring and sensitive, when I want to be.”

The doctor smiled weakly. Thank you again for coming. My family needed me as much as I needed my family, and as far as I am concerned, you are all part of my family.”

“Take as much time as you need Doctor. I’m sure that we will survive without you.”

The Captain said as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

The doctor looked over at his wife and son and smiled sadly. “Thank you captain, but I think I am ready to return to work.”

He looked at his family one last time.

“Computer, End Program.”

The world seemed to fade out of existence, replaced by a gray and black grid. A large door slid open as they approached it and the entered the corridors of Voyager, leaving the past behind.

Star Trek: Voyager
Inspired by the episode “Real Life”

Saturday, April 21, 2007

I read this strip at Shortpacked and I got to thinking. What would happen if the Chronicles Of Narnia were released today, rather then 50 years ago. Or what would have happened if the Harry Potter books had been released 50 years ago, instead of today. would the same level of controversy occur?

I know that C.S. Lewis was a Born-Again Christian and that there is a lot of allegory in his books, but would it be over looked for the various occult elements like the White Witch? Like wise, would Harry Potter have been accepted back then.

I personally think that, had the releases of the series been switched, that the same results would have happened. Harry Potter would be accepted as classic children's literature while Narnia was condemned by parents groups. Maybe not as much as Harry Potter, but it probably would have happened none the less.

I just ate the first substantial amount of solid food that I've had since Wednesday.It was just a couple of cheeseburgers and some fries from McDonald's, but it was more then I have had in several days. I figured they would be good because I could take small, easy to swallow bites.

My throat still hurts, but it is a lot better then it was. Can't wait to get off this 95% liquid diet. For the most part, aside from some crackers and some Pringles which I could nibble on, the most solid food I have had has consisted of cough drops and aspirin.

It sucks.

Can't wait to have stuff like meat with out it hurting again.
I am convinced that there is a conspiracy against me . Don't believe me? think it is just a bunch of coincidences? I think not.

First my computer picked up a virus that required me to reset my system. (Damn you Rey Mysterio. if I weren't a fan of yours, I would add you to the list with Bobby Flay.) Then My bro and his fiance came down for a visit, so I had to spend time with them. After that my Back Up disk didn't work and I had Network problems. Finally got those taken care of and then I had to do my taxes. Got those done and now I am sick. I haven't had any energy to do much of anything since Tuesday.

So anyone who says that it is a coincidence, you are wrong. it is a vast no-wing conspiracy against me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Well that was fast. I woke up this morning and fired up my browser, going to MSN and the first thing I see is this.

I find it funny that places like Australia are commenting on our gun laws. After all, taking away peoples guns has helped reduce crime so much there. Oh wait, it didn't. Places like Texas on the other hand, which has had concealed carry laws for years, have extremely low crime rates, because the crooks don't know who is packing and who isn't.

In addition to that, if he wanted a gun, he could have easily gotten it off the streets or from a privet owner, either buying it from them or stealing it. He, like any other crook, can easily get a gun if he wanted it.

Personally, I feel the problem isn't not enough gun control, it is too much. Had someone been packing, the guy could have been stopped. Yes he may have killed a few people, but if a student or teacher had been carrying a gun, the death toll would have been much lower.

Update:Turns out he did get the guns legally, but that doesn't mean we need tighter gun control laws. there was nothing on his criminal record that would have prevented him from getting a gun, he waited the required amount of time, and he bought it from a gun shop.

Also, I think it is funny that on the MSN message boards for this story, the first post (made by a staff member) brings up Gun Control. On the first page there is one person who said we need tighter laws, the rest said the truth. Tighter Gun Control Laws would not have prevented this, but looser ones may have.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Black Knight

This story is part 4 of The Siege, a 5 part series that started in Enemies At The Gates

The Black Knight

With the arrival of the Knights Of the Morning Star, the king’s elite warriors, the tide of the battle turned. The men’s spirits had been bolstered, and with a cry that shook the caer to its very foundation, they charged into battle, fighting with the ferocity of a mother wolf protecting her pups. We tore through the enemy forces, severing limbs and cleaving skulls as we went.

With the knights at the lead, an aura of courage and light emanating from them, we crashed into the enemy like a wave crashing against the shore. They tried to hold us back, but it was no use. We pushed them back, pressing them against the wall, slaughtering them.

The men’s spirits soared as more and more of the enemy fell before our swords. Their numbers dwindled as we fought on, determined that note a single foe left this place alive.

I buried my sword in the base of an enemy’s neck, black blood spraying from the wound as I pulled my blade free. As I spun to block a blow from behind, the wall of the caer exploded, sending both friend and foe flying. A boulder narrowly missed me, crushing my opponent.

As the dust settles, I looked and saw a monster of a man astride a jet-black horse; it’s eyes glowing as if on fire. His armor was more fearsome then the enemies we had been fighting, black as the darkest night, with spikes protruding from his shoulders.
In his hand he held a massive war hammer. I doubt that our three strongest men, using both hands, could even lift it, yet he was wielding it effortlessly with one hand, brining it crashing down on friend and foe alike.

Even our enemies fled in terror before this behemoth as he swung his hammer, sending men flying. The sounds of swords clashing were replaced by screams of fear as he cut through our ranks.

My heart sank as I watched him destroy my men. It would take a miracle to with this battle. With out help from the Dagda, all would be lost.
I'm watching Raw and they had a Diva Fashion Show, which proved once again that none of the Divas are even close to being as beautiful as Trish Stratus.

Don't get me wrong, the Divas are certainly attractive, but none of them have the beauty, or talent, of Trish. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

There are plenty more pics here.
Sort of a follow up to the last post, but I wonder how long it will take for people like Rosie O'Donnell to blame the shooting at Virginia Tech on a lack of Gun Control Laws.

Virginia Tech Shooting

As I am typing this, they are about to go to a news conference about the shooting at Virginia Tech. They just showed something that President Bush said, and something that Nancy Pelosi said. And the weird thing is that, as they were talking, I started laughing

Don't get me wrong. I feel for those involved, as should we all. 32 people are dead (as of this moment) and who knows how many more are injured. Any good person would have sympathy for them.

The reason I started laughing is simply because of the fact that it is, and will, get some much coverage. It deserves to get this kind of coverage, but what about all the other shootings over the years. I remember being in France when some of the early pre-Columbine shooting took place and we watched coverage there.

I remember watching coverage of Columbine, and hearing the president express his sympathy for those affected by it.

Since then, there have been several shootings, but there has been little coverage, even on local levels. Aside from the one at the Amish school last year, I don't remember more then a mention of a major network.

There was a shooting up north a year or two ago, on the Red Lake Indian Reservation. I remember reading about it in the Star Tribune the next day, and of course reading about it in the days that followed. I remember seeing coverage on a few local stations; breaking news as it happened, and then most of the nightly news broadcast focusing on it. I remember reading about the governor's reaction. But I don't remember anything other then in passing on a major news program. Nothing from the president or the speaker of the house.

I can't help but wonder if the lack of coverage on some of these is based on Body Count. After all, this is the worse one (at least that I can think of) since Columbine. For the most part, I think the other shootings since them have only had a couple of deaths, so apparently they weren't as big of a story.

I don't know where I am going with this rant. Maybe it is just that; me venting. But shouldn't all shootings, no matter where they are or how many are killed, be just as important as this one or Columbine?

Note: I just noticed that the time this was posted is listed at 6:51 this morning. I didn't write this before the shooting happened. I had created the post before work, intending to write about something else, and jsut posted this instead.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

How sad is this. I turned on CNN before going to bed sothat I don't have to change it in the morning and I saw them doing a story about Anna Nichole Smith. That isn't the sad part. What is sad is the fact that their source, which they showed, was a Tabloid! I didn't catch which one, but if the "Most respected name in news" is using tabloids as a source, then the the news media is in trouble.

Friday, April 13, 2007

well that was fun.

I just got my computer back up and running after spending the last few days with a virus. Ended up having to reset the computer. The worse part of it is that I couldn't use my old theme, Goldshift, for FireFox :(

Oh well. Arctic Glow is cool. no close tab button, which is annoying, but that is ok. I'm just glad to be back on FireFox. I had to use IE7 for about an hour or 2 and it nearly drove me sane. Some Bus is helping.

Still got some stuff, like my story files, to get back on here, but that can wait for a bit. I also have to do my taxes, so once I have thee Laptop set up the way I like it, I will be doing that. Like I said, the other stuff can wait.

Good news is I was able to find my Hell Cycle wallpaper from Ghost Rider. I love that bike.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I was working on the new issue of Fantasy (It will be up on Monday, I promise) and I had my work music playlist on YouTube playing. When it got to Wizard Needs Food Badly by Five Iron Frenzy, I had to stop and watch it, because it rocks. It's fan made, but it is still great, and I thought I would share it with my Non Existent Readers

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I was reading Kim Du Toit's blog yesterday before work and noticed a post abotu people once again protesting anything short of amnisty and citizenship for the illegal immagrents in the country.

I plan on posting more on this subject later, possible when I get home from work, but I noticed one thing. We didn't hear too much from these people after it started getting colder out. Now that it is starting to warm up, they are back.

Apparently they are out to help immigrents as long as the weather is good.

Denial Of Truth

Dave, Cat and I were just talking about this on Friday.

Found here
After all, when being “politically correct” supersedes being factually correct, when conclusions are drawn not for their scientific value but to advance a political agenda,

This is especialy true with Global warming, which Evan Sayet, the author of the above quote, brings up later in the post.

Liberals, or more accuratly Treehuggers, Refuse to aknowledge the facts of global warming. It doesn't exsist. They refuse to aknowledge the historical evidance, which has been shown during shows on the History Channel (where Cat first heard about it)

Between the year 800-1300 (about) there was an event known as The Medieval Warm Period, followed by the Little Ice Age, which ended in the mid 19th century (which is coincidently around the same time we started keeping track of temperatures) These two events indicate that climate changes are cyclical in nature, as I have mentioned on here before.

Further evidance that disproves global warming is the fact that as I type this, the ground is being covered by a fresh layer of snow. That's right. Two days after Easter and just a few before Tax Day it is snowing. They are predicting as much as seven inchs over then next few days, although I doubt we will get even one. Add to that the unusually cold temps we have had recently and you have a good argument against Global Warming.

This isn't limited to Global Warming, not is it limited to Liberals and treehuggers. There are people on on all sides of political, religous, and even sientific issues that refuse to aknowledge one truth or another because it might prove them wrong. The writer says later in the post
The “thinking” is that, if no one ever thought they were right there would be nothing to fight about and with nothing to fight about, surely there’d be no war. Without war there would be no poverty or the need for crime and thus mankind would finally live in the utopia they envision.

Thinking is the problem here, but it is thinking that someone who doesn't agree with you is wrong that is the problem. an intelligent person would look at the data and raealize that something is good or bad, and not refuse to see the truth simple because it proves you wrong.

Theoreticly, people could accept that Global warming doesn't exist, that the war in Iraw is a good thing, ect. But there is one area where denial of the truth will never vanish, and that is in religion. It is very difficult for a Christian to convince a Muslim that Christianity is the truth, and the opposite is also true. Some would use this to say that religion is the problem and shouldn't exsist, but that just adds to the problem.

While world peace will never happen, accepting the truth, whethor or not you agree with something, will go a long way towards helping.

Foley Speaking at MIT!?

Saw this at It seems that Mic Foley is speaking at MIT.

For some reason, that last part just seems wrong.

Apparently it is a course on Media Studies and pro wrestling, which is kind of weird to hear about a course like that at MIT, but at least they picked a good person to speak about it. After all, Foley is one of the best ambassadors pro wrestling has.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Writing Month--April 2007

This isn't official or anything, but I have decided to give up video games (for the most part) and concentrate on writing, kind of like I did in November".

This isn't for a contest or anything, it is just for me.

I decided to keep track of my word count again, not counting Fantasy #6 , which I finally finished. I started it last month, so that is why I'm not counting it. I will also be listing the stories I finish during this. Might now post them right away, but I will at least list them.

Now if you will excuse me, I have writing to do.

Update, 4/6 Word Count: 358. Just finished the next part of The Siege, and hopefully will have it up either later tonight or tomorrow.

Update, 4/26 Word Count: 2181. After everything I've been through in the last couple of weeks, I am proud to say I finally finished Fantasy #7! Hopefully I can finish one more story, a flash, before midnight.

Update, 4/26 (part 2) Word Count: 2640. Finished the Flash. J.H. is proofing it now and I should have it up some time tomorrow.

Update, 5/11 Word Count: 3140. Finished typing the last part of The Siege. Just have to send it to J.H. to proof it and then I will post it, probably some time next week.

Update, 5/16 Word Count: 3145. Had to rewrite the last part of The Siege after resetting my laptop and gained 5 words.

Medieval IT

Casey sent me this. It's Medieval Tech Support :)

The audio is Norwegian, the subs are Danish, but the top subs are English. Even with the subs it's funny.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Aqua Teen Bomb Scare

I heard the other day that the guys responsible for that Aqua Teen Hunger Force ad campaign a while back ar now going to trial.

For those of you who don't remember, the ad campaign consited of signs that showed the Moonites giving the finger. Some people saw wires behind them and thougth they were a bomb. (here is the whole story>)

the cool thing is the fact that Aqua Teen, and the movie, are getting a lot of fre advertising because of this. I think the only station advertising the movie is Cartoon Network and Boomarang, but the story was carried of all new channels abd programs.

Congress wants to pull the troops out

I didn't want to talk about this until it cleared both the house and the senet, but as we all know, both of them have passed bill that call for a deadline to get the troops out of Iraq. They have a few details to hammer out, and president bush as said he would veto it, but none the less, they are trying to set a deadline to end the war in Iraq.

Gee, thanks to everyone who elected these idiots.

Setting a deadline is the worse thing they could do. First, the insurgants could just wait until we leave before they go in and start amping up their attacks. If we are pulling out then we may as well just give the country to them and leave now, because if we leave before their government is able to defend themselves that's what is going to happen. It will be Afganastan all over again.

Second, the insurgants could go on a shooting spree as we aproach the deadline, trying to kill as many "infidel dogs" as they can.

Any one who says that this is for the safty of the troops or the US are idiots.

Third, and possibly worse of all, is that it will make us look weak. The most powerful country int he world, with the most powerful military in the world, is running away from a bunch fanatics. this will tell terrorists around the world that they can beat us if they just wait and survive long enough.

Like I said, Pulling the troops out before the job is done is a bad thing.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Amytiville Toaster

YEAH! Foamy is on Youtube! To celebrate, I present to you the best episode I've seen so far, the Amytiville Toaster (I'm only about a third of the way through the series.)

The Amityville Toaster, Make Breakfast Spooky, Spooky Talking Toaster, Spooky Talking toast, Yum Yum Yum, Human Hand!