Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wolverine VS Freddie

A bunch of Wiz Kids news to share.

Hero VS Horror
Last month I posted about Horrorclix, a game where you formed an army mosters and do battle with an opponant's army. Well, now it has a launch date. Accualy no date has been announced yet, but it will be coming out in August, so that is cool, but there is better news. I just got the new issue of Inquest, there is one page article about Horrorclix. In addition to genaric Mummies, Vampires, Zombies, ect (presumbably each set will have a theme) there some talk about licensed collector's sets featuring such horror properties as The Ghostbusters and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

But wait, it gets even better.

Last month I speculated that Horrorclix would be compatable with Heroclix. Well it has been confirmed. According to the designers, the two games will be "about 80% compatable." Obviously there will be some differances, such as the the ability cards involved. Accualy Horrorclix won't have an ability card, which makes sense. That ay they can include various types of monsters in one set with out having to restrict them to the same abiliies. A vampire and a Werewolf have different abilities, and this way it is more realistic. Due to this compatablity, we can have battles such as Buffy VS Psylocke, Wolvie VS Freddie, Dracula VS Pretty much everyone.

Horrorclix will be unvailed this summer at Gen Con Indy, and like I said the game will be released to the general public in August. I can't wait.

Pirates Of The Spanish Main
The neewest set for Pirates is Pirates Of Davy Jones' Curse, due out in May. I've been looking forward to this set since I heard about it in January. In addition to a new faction, treasures, and ships, the new set also introduces Sea Monsters. Wiz Kids has released info on how Sea Monsters work (available here) From the looks of it, they won't get much play in my area, since most of the players just play a Last Man Standing game; Ramming is rarely, if ever, used. I can't wait to get one, so that I can shake things up a bit :)

The new faction is called The Cursed. In addition to new kinds of ghost ships, Sea monsters will also be part of the faction. How the ships will play has yet to be seen.

They also revelaed the first sneak peak, the Flying Dutchman. The fact that the Dutchman is the first ship revealed is kind of a no brainer; what better ship for the first sneak peak then the most famous ghost ship of all time. Don't know about it's abilities, but based on it's stats, all it needs is a Helmsmen and will be a great gun ship.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Signs On Raw

I am watching Raw right now, and there were a couple of signs that I thought were funny. The first said "TNA is better!" the second said "A.J. Styles VS RVD" I only saw either of them once, because I think WWE officials took them away, but it was funny.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Easter Bunny Banned.

I was this on the news. It seems that someone had set up an Easter Bunny in the St. Paul City Hall. The decorations were put up, and I assume purchased by a City Council secretary. The display consisted of a cloth bunny, pastel-colored eggs and a sign with the words "Happy Easter".

So what happened? The city's human rights director asked that the decorations be removed. The reson, it might offend non-Christians. The council president said it was not about political correctness.

I agree with Council Member Dave Thune, who called this incident a shame. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Apperently in 2001, red poinsettias were briefly banned from a holiday display because they were associated with Christmas.

I can understand with the poinsettias. The legend behind it accualy has to do with Christmas. (Here is a link to the legend.) And I could understand if it was an empty tomb, a cross, or the words "He is risin!" Too bad most people don't know the truth about the Easter Bunny.

I wasn't completely clear about it myself, so I did some research and this is what I found. (A good article can be found at The name Easter comes from Eastre or Ostara, (I've seen both spellings) a Saxon fertility goddess who was celebrated during the spring. The eggs also are part of fertility celebrations dating abck to the ancient Romans and Greeks. It was the Germans who combined the two in order to create the legend of Oschter Haws, a rabbit who layed colored eggs in nests made by children. From what I understand, this was brought to American by the Pennsylvania Dutch, where it became known as the Easter Bunny. When Christians began sending out missionaries, the coverted natives continued to celebrate their festivals, worshiping Jesus instead of fertility gods and goddesses. Eventualy they became part of the tradition and the holiday became known as Easter.

The question is this. Had they known about the Easter Bunnies orgins, would they have ordered the display removed?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm about to head out to the farm to do some laundry as well as install some assorted Anti-software on my parents computer. I also planon installing some IM software, probobly MSN, and showing them some sites. The biggest challenge will be getting my dad online, but the Bike section of the side bar should help with that.

One last thing before I leave. Since this is the first blog my parents have ever seen, Hi! :)

Happy Birthday!

Yes ladies an gentlemen, one year ago today I started this little experiment called The Freak Show. Alot has changed in a year:

When I started, I was working as a part time maintanance man at a local nursing home. Now I am working full time as a baker.

It started out as a more serious blog, where I tried to talk about stuff in the news. Now it is a blog dedicated to stuff I am interested in, such as cooking and biking.

The side bar changed alot. Where once there were a few links, now there several links, organized in to different catagories.

I started 2 new Blogs. In addition to Tales From The Coffee Shop, I started The Iceman's Game Journal, a Video Game Blog.

It should be a good second year. I made post number 100 on February 12, 2006, and here it is on March 23, and I am almost half way to post number 200. I plan on opening two more blogs. One is confirmed, a writing project that Casey and I are working on. The other is still in the planning phase. I also plan on starting a few series on cooking.

So here's to a pretty good first year, and the starts of YEAR 2!!!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Saw this while going through the archives for Real Life Comics. Being a I had a similer reaction the night before I started in the bakery, only I had to start at 3!

I was just watching an episode of Megastructures on National Geographic. It was about some mining facility in Canada. It was kind of interesting, atleast what I saw of it. Icons on G4 was about Atari, so I had to watch that :)

The only part of the show that I had a problem with was when they showed them tearing down forests to make room for more mines and buildings. Not because I'm a tree hugger. Far fom it. But as a Mountain Biker, I have a problem when large amounts of forest are destroyed.

Part of Mountain Biking is pushing your self to the limits, but it is also about getting out here and enjoying God's creation. A friend once said we should stick to the paved trails so that we woudln't anger the tree huggers, but if we did that, then we would have missed one of the best sights I have ever seen while mountain biking.

We were exploring some new trails we had found in the park when we saw a deer jump up and take off. We weren't very far, so we didn't know why. As we continued to follow the trail, it took us near where the deer was, and we found out why she was there. She had just given birth. The fawn was still wet. We high tailed it out of there stat, but it is something I will always remember.

That is why I hate to see large amounts of forest destroyed. Sights like that would have been lost had they destroyed those trees instead of turning them into part of a park. Who knows how much beauty has been lost by operations such as that.

I understand the reason why, but understanding and liking are two different things.

On a side note, they are doing a show on deep sea archeology, and they just said that 3 of the the propellers on the Lusitania have been brought up. One is in a museum, one was in a junk yard (don't know if it is still there) and one was melted down to make a set of golf clubs :( As someone who loves archeology, this is very sad.

Urge To Kill Falling!

As I was laying in bed last night, I jokingly wondereed if my friend would show up again. I knew he wouldn,t because it was 1 in the morning when I went to bed, and even if he was still up, his parents would never let him leave the house that late at night, especialy on a school day

As I lay there trying to fall asleep, I realized that I shouldn't have given him his book. I should have loaned him something like Beowulf, Les Mierables, or How Should We Then Live. Maybe The Hobbit, The first part of the Song Of Albion Trilogy, Case For Christ. Something that would have some significance.

Don't get me wrong. I read the Black Cat preview in Shonen Jump, but if I had to choose between reading that and one of the books I listed, it would be no contest. the only question would be which one I would choode. Probobly Les Mis, because I have never read that one. In fact the copy I have is accualy one that my roommate left when he moved out of my old apartment. but I have seen the play several times, and it is good

Monday, March 20, 2006

Urge to Kill Rising!

I have to go to work at 3. Which means I need to wake up at 2. Accualy I might sleep in a bit. and wake up at 2:30 instead.

So why am I typing this 3 1/2 hours before I have to get up? Because I have to. Because if I don't I will never get to sleep. I need to vent. Allow me to explain.

I am the go to guy when ever my friends need to order something off Amazon. I don't mind this at all. So when a friend asked me to order Black Cat Vol.1 for him, I said sure. When I got home today It was waiting my the door to my apartment. I sent him a message that it had arrived and he asked if he could come over and get it. I said no because I had to work earrly, so I was going to bed early. He said ok. I should have known something was up since he didn't put up a fight.

so I go to bed and I wake up at about 10 to go to the bathroom. I just got back into bed when I heard a knock on the door. Wondering who it was I tossed on a shirt, put on my glasses, and talked to the door. It was him.

So I open the door and what is the first thing he says? is it "hi." "Did I wake you?" nope. it was "Manga!" My first words were "go home." he said he had a 2 hour bus ride and needed something to read and I gave it to him. I know if I hadn't, he would still be here arguing his case and giving no new evidance in his favor.

So there you have it. thank you for allowing me to vent. I'm going to bed now.

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Doctor Returns

Tonight, in a little less then an hour, the first new adventure of Doctor Who since 1996 will air on the Sci Fi Channel, and I am excited. I wasn't into the show until about four years ago, when Cat started showing it at The Fiend when it was slow. Since then I have been a fan. In fact, while I was excited to see Star Wars Episode 1, and was one of the people cheering when the logo appeared and the music started, but I am more excited about tonight.

The only down side is that I will miss the last hour of Smackdown, but I can find out what happenes on or just DL the show :)

Update I went to the Doctor Who section on Sci Fi Channel web site and there are different trivia things at the bottom of the page. The best bit of info--the fact that The Doctor rebuilt the Sonic Screwdriver :)

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Today is a great day.

1.) It is pay day! (always a good day)

2.) Doctor Who starts tonight at 8 central on the Sci Fi Channel (you will be watching right!?

3.) It's St. Patricks Day!

Yes, to day is the day where everyone is a little bit Irish, something me and about 34 million other Americans are lucky enough to experience every day.

So if you will allow me to slip into a bad Scottish accent for a bit (I can't do an Irish accent, but Scottish is close.)

Remember lads and lasses, as ye drink your beer, to sample some Irish whisky, or a bottle of Guinness. Also, drink responsivly, with a designated driver. But most importantly pace yourself. Tomarrows Saterday and most of ye donna have to go to work tomarrow :)

So raise a glass with me as we proudly declare "Éireann go Brách!"

Monday, March 13, 2006

Last Transformer Ever

Casey sent me this link from the TFW2005 message boards and it got me thinking. Who would I pick if I were asked to choose the last Transformer ever made. A few years ago I would have said Unicron, but then they made him. My next choice would be Primus, but he's coming out soon too!

So with my first two choices gone, who would I pick. I think I would pick a show accurate version of Megatron. As you can see from the pics on this page, the toy doesn't look much like the character in the show. There were worse examples (check out Ironhide if you don't believe me.)

A show accurate Masterpiece version of Megatron wouldbe the perfect way to then the line. They already made one for Optimus Prime to celebrate the 20th aniversery of Transformers, so they have to do one of Megatron sooner or later. I say ignore the laws that say they can't make him look like a gun. Ending the line with anything less then a Masterpiece Megatron would be an insult to the fans.

Let It Snow

I just had a holy crap moment. About an hour ago I was awakened by a big gust of wind. Accualy what woke me up was the sound of my printer coming back online, but the first thing I heard was the wind. Of course the first thing I did was check the clock, but my alarm clock was flashing 12. I didn't realy care since I have the day off (took a long weekend. haven't had one in a while, and it has been nice.) I didn't think much about it. I just figured the big gust of wind I heard had caused the lights to go out for a few seconds. No big deal.

About an hour later I woke up to go to the bathroom and I decided to set my clock. After going to the bathroom I decided to look outside, since I still heard the wind. So I walked into the living room and all I saw was white. Accualy all I saw was yellow, due to the glow of the yard lights, but you know what I mean. The screen half of my windows plastered with snow. There was a about 2-3 inchs of snow on the ground, which is alot since, when I went to bed at about 1:30 there was just enough to barely cover the grass. The biggest thing though was the fact that I could barely see the buildings across the court yard, which is only about 20 yards! Looks like me and dad arn't going riding today.

well, I'm gonna go back to bed. Like I said I have the day off. But it might be interesting to see what I find when I wake up.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Clause. Santa Clause

I think Santa Clause would be the greatest CIA Agent of all time. Think about it. He knows if you are sleeping. He knows if your awake. He knows if you've been bad or good. If that doesn't sound like someone who should be a CIA agent, I don't know who does! If Santa had been in the CIA, he could have prevented 9/11! He would have been standing there, pointed out the terrorists, and said "Don't let those guys on the plane. Their going to hijack it and kill thousands."

I don't know about you, but I would feel alot safer if Santa were a CIA agent.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Grand Theft Ping Pong!

Saw this on Slashdot.

IGN is running an article about a new game being developed by Rockstar San Diego. Unlike their previous releases, the game will feature no guns, no violence, and no swearing. The game, Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis, will be exclusive to the Xbox 360, and will cost $39.99." Chris Morris, over at the

CNN even has an article here

So Rockstar is making a game that doesn't have any guns, vilance, swearing, ect.!? If I was stupid enough to buy an Xbox 360, I would still buy it. I have played all their other games (and I own most of them) so I would be willing to atleast give it a try

Boo Yah!

Check this out.

You are VASH - You hate violence, and only resort

to it when absolutely necessary. Even then,

you refuse to kill anyone. You believe that

love and peace can be achieved someday, and

you'll be the one that starts it. You know,

you're a nice guy, but you really need to

wake up.

What anime gun-toting hooligan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Like I said. Boo Yah.

Speaking of gun-toting anime hooligans check this out too.

Monday, March 06, 2006

YEAH! I just finished reading the archives for Userfirendly which means next time I post one of the strips from there it won't have "Saw this while going through the User Friendly archives." :)

R.I.P. Kirby Puckett. 1960-2006

Casey just sent me a message saying that Kirby Puckett was dead. I remember the whole family watching as he announced his retirement . That was the day I lost what little interest I had in Baseball. I was never a huge fan of baseball, but I was a fan of Kirby, and therefore the Twins.

Kirby was a class act. I am listening to Kfan and a caller summed up why Kirby was loved by so many. He wasn't a great player in high school, but he kept playing and eventualy begame one of the all time greats.

Then, just like it is now, there weren't many celebrities that you could look up to, but Kirby was one of a kind. Someone who loved the fans and the fans loved him.

"I was told I would never make it because I'm too short. Well, I'm still too short, but I've got 10 All-Star games, two World Series championships, and I'm a very happy and contented guy. It doesn't matter what your height is, it's what's in your heart." -- at his 1996 retirement press conference.

"Don't take anything for guaranteed, because tomorrow is not promised to any of us."

Kirby will be missed.

For a bio of Kirby, here is a Wikipedia article about him.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

When Nerds Date

Saturday, March 04, 2006

YEAH! I Hurt My Right Hand!

Most people, when reading that, would wonder what is wrong with me. However, if you read my post a few days ago, you would know that I have racked up quite a few injuries to my left arm over the last month or so. So today, when some oil splashed onto the back of my hand while I was frying donuts at work, I was accualy kind of glad. It isn't a big burn, and it doesn't hurt, but it is still nice to finaly injure my right hand in some way.

The Next Bond?

And he revealed he can only drive an automatic - so Bond's traditional Aston Martin DB5 reportedly had to be converted.

Craig also confessed he doesn't like guns and speedboats make him feel queasy.

And this is the new James Bond! H eis willing to pay the price to be the worlds greatest secret angent thougn.

And he's been spotted sporting bruises and grazes after chasing a suicide bomber.

But he has had a few setbacks getting to grips with his tough action hero role. He had two teeth knocked out shooting a fight scene in Prague.

Fortunatly Pierce Brosnen gave the new guy some advice.

Brosnan told him: "I've had my face sliced open by a stuntman and a knee injury. But it's all part and parcel of being Bond."

Does he have the traditional "Bond" look, no, but I think that fans should give the guy a chance. Dispite a few negatives, he is willing to give it a shot. I he can't pull it off, then they will replace him. It's not like he would be the first person to play bond in only one film (I'm looking at you George Lazenby).

We'll find out on November 17th if Danial Craig can pull off the part or if he crashes and burns.

(the quotes are fromt this article.)

Friday, March 03, 2006

I just saw a commercial for a movie starring Larry the Cable Guy as a health inspecter. (Here is a link to the IMDB info for the movie.)

I'm not a big fan of Larry's, but I think I will see the movie. I might not see it in theaters, but will at least rent it. Now if Ron White (the best guy from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour) makes a movie, then I will be excited :)

MySpace Mistakes.

Saw this on MSN. This isn't the first time someone got introuble for stuff they posted on MySpace. Habbs posted this. about a week ago. About a month ago, I heard a story on the radio about some kids who were were unable to compete in basketball after they posted pic of them getting drunk. (The Minnesota State High School League has a zero tolerance policy on alcohol and drugs.) In January I heard about some other kids getting in trouble for something they posted.

So why are so many people getting in trouble for stuff they post on MySpace? Part of it, obviously, has to do with the popularity of MySpace. But most of it because of the people who posted these pics and blogs. Somewhere in their mind they had to know that people were going to read this (the kid in the story I linked to even invited peple to read his posts.)

A little common sense goes along ways. Unfortunatly some people, such as the basketball players, think what they were doing was cool and didn't worry about the consequence

What these kids and kids like them need to realizes is that if they don't want people to know something, don't post it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that. Once people stop doing stupid stuff like this, then the world will be a lot better place.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

This Looks Familiar

The scary thing is this is my truck. I can't realy give people rides unless they want to be hugging their knees the whole way. I would clean it out, but when I have time, I am too lazy

This Is Kind Of Sad.

According to an AP report published in yesterday's Star Tribune, only one in four people can name more then one freedom guaranteed in the first ammendment, but more then half can name more then two members of the Simpsons family.

One in five people thouoght the first ammendment included the right to own a pet, and 38% thought that the right against self incrimination (fromt he fifth ammendment) was a first ammendment right.

So why is this sad? Because the Constitution the most important document in America's history, and in my opinion, the first ammendment is the most important part. The freedoms of Speach, religion, assembly, and press are what makes this country so great.

So here is the first ammendment. Also, here is a link to the The Constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This Sounds Like Something I Would Do

Which Superhero Are You?--Casey's Results

Yesterday I posted the results I got on the "Which Superhero Are You?" Test. I also said I would have to ask Casey to take it and see what he got. And the answer is.....

Your results:
You are Superman

The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

I asked Casey if he answered truthfully or if he just picked answers that would give him the results he wanted. He hasn't answered yet, but I am guessing he didn't cheat.

Next up, another friend, Eric--a huge Batman fan. Wonder who he will get.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Monty Python's Personal Best Part 2

ok, accualy it is parts 3 and 4, but since this is the second post about this subject, I called it part 2.

Anyways, tonight PBS is showing the favorite sketchs for John Cleese and Terry Gilliam. It is kind of disapointing though. John Cleese is my favorite Python, and I was hoping he would be the last one they did. It would have been a nice way to ence the series that started with my second favorite Python, Eric Idol. Regardles of the order, I can't wait. I accualy am giving up Veronica Mars and Good Eats watch this every week. (it's ok, because they are reruns :))

Which Superhero Are You?

YEAH! I'm Green Lantern. Ok, it's a tie between Superman and Green lantern, so technicly I would be both, but I would rather be GL the Supes. I do find it interesting that there is a tie considering GL is Hot-headed and supes is Mild-Mannered. To me those contradict each other.

I'm gonna have to ask my friend Casey to take this test. He is a huge Superman fan. it should be interesting to see what he gets.

There is only 1 plroblem with this test. Sure it has Spidey, Hulk and Iron Man, but where are the other Marvel Superheros?

Your results:

You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz