Sunday, December 31, 2006

So I'm flipping through the channels and I see that Man VS Wild is on. I;ve never seen it, so I gove it a try, figuring it might be good for a laugh if nothing else. It is currently 15 minutes into it, and he had just started the survival part. So far I've noticed 2 problems. When he was gathering supplies for a signle fire, he was hacking at some bamboo with a rock or stick, but the cut looked way too clean for either of them. it was clearly made by an ax.

Second mistake, when he was trying to start the fire, he was rubbing two sticks together. I know from experience that this is possible, but he was putting way too much effert into it. A better technique would have been to take one of his shoe laces or make some rope and use a bow drill. He finaly got the fire going and then it was off to find shelter.

Again he was using a stick or rock to hack at Bamboo, and again, the cuts on the final product were too clean.

So far thsi is a pretty funny show, mainly because I know something abut survival. My uncle teachs this kind of stuff. so I know a little more then the average person (My dad and bro are better, but I could survive.) I wonder what he would think of this show.

Update: Just found out that Bear does have a knife with him. That doesn't explain why he was whacking at a tree with a stick.

Now he is making supper. He caught some fish and now he is going to back them in a pit. He even mad a giant pair of tweezers! and he is going to wrapp them in some leaves. Why not just cook them over an open fire. much less effort.

Now It Looks Like Christmas!

My alarm went off this morning, and of course, like most people in this country, I hit the snooze button.I didn't get to fall back asleep though, because I heard a loud clanging sound and an engine running. I knew that it wasn't a gabage truck, so I went to check and see what my Land Lord was up to. I opened the blinds to see a sea of white.

It finaly snowed!!!!!!!!!!

Sure it waited till the last day of the year, and it looks like there is only an inch or two, but it still snowed. Better late then never :)

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sadam Hussein is dead. That isn;t news, I'm guessing most people know about that by now. What I find interesting is the MSMs coverage. Tehy talked about all the people who were celebrating his death, but the only ones they showed on CNN were here in the states. in Iraq, all they showed was the people who were angery about his death.

MSN wasn't too much better, posting pretty much the same thing as CNN said. They did talk to one of the soldiers based in Iraq, but all he said (or at least all they posted) was he wondered what story the government would come up with to keep tropps there now that Sadam is dead.

Even during the CNN report, they couldn't help questioning the war while talking top one of the people celebrating here in the states.

Seems like the MSM will take any oppertunity to tear apart the war.

Friday, December 29, 2006

I am watching a show that is talking to draft dodgers during the Vietnam War, and there was a segment where they showed Walter Cronkite saying that the war was lost, despite the government and media's constant mentions of the good stuff that came out of the war.

Isn't it ironic that today, all we hear about the war in Iraq is the bad things that are happening over there, and not the good stuff.

Good Food

Kim Du Toit wrote a post about a resteraunt he liked closing while placed lime McDonalds thrives.

Sadly this is true in far too many places. We, as a country, want our food now, we want it cheap, and we don't really care if it is good or not. I admit, I am rather fond of McDonald's fries and cheese burgers, but given a choice, I would rather go to a good sit down resteraunt (or Subway. It's still a fast food joint, but at least it is better for you.)

Here in Redwood, we have chain resteraunts (4 fast food places, 2 pizza places) 2 Pizza places in gas stations(which sell the best pizza in town. I've had much better, but here its the best.) a Chinese buffet, and 2 real resteraunts. There use to be more, and the food at them was really good, but due to lack of business they closed. now all we have is the Fiend and Chumly's, a bar and grill. The food is good, but that isn't enough if you ask me. We have a new one opening soon, run by the people who are in charge of the deli at the store I use to work with, but that still isn't enough good resteraunts if you ask me.

The only good resteraunt that I have been to (at least in this part of the state) that is thriving is a bar and grill called Serles, about 5 miles out of New Ulm. Part of that is because of their Bike Nights (the owner is morotcycle enthusiest and decideed to have a bike night) and the size of the town (blink and you will miss it.) And as good as the food is (if you go there get a Hoss burger. best burgers I've ever had) I would love to see a good Italian or French place open up. There was a good Italian place in Mankato, but it only lasted a few months before it closed.

I think part of the problem is, as I said, we want our food cheap, and we want it now. Far too many people go through their lives never eating a truly good resteraunt meal. Heck, even at home too many never eat a truly good meal. A friend of mine is 16, and he had never had someing as simple as a good Meatloaf until he ate at my place.

Between a reliance on cheap, fast food (at home or from a resteraunt) and our willingness to get stuck in a rut culinaraly, making or eating the same few menu items because the are "good," I feel that we as a country are in trouble. A nation is identified by their cuisine, and if our national cuisine is fast food, that is sad.

So do yourself a favor. Visit you local resteraunts. go to a good bar and grilla fter the game isntead of Burger King. Visit a local Cafe instead of McDonalds during your next lunch break. and try something new from time to time, like Goat Cheese or Calimari. you never know. you might just like it.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

O Come All Ye Faithfull--Twisted Sister Style

When I first saw that Twisted Sister had come out with a Christmas Album, my first reaction was fear. That quickly gave way to excitement. After all, how cool is it that a group like Twisted Sister has a Christmas Album.

Well, thanks to The Anarchangel We can all see the end result. I don't know which is better. Hearing them play O Come All Ye Faithful, or seeing Dee Snider sing it while in his Twisted Sisters gear!

On an unrealated note, It's almost scary how much the drummer looks like Balls Mahoney

Damn it!

I've been looking online for the last hour or two for a site that teaches how to play the clarinet. I played for about 7 years in high school and am looking for a refresher course, but would rather not have to buy a book if I don't half to, but so far nothing :(

I just wish I knew where my old lesson books were. It would save me a ton of time.

Update: After 19 paes of search results, I'm calling it quits. I'm tired and want to go to bed. I think I'll just go out and order a book off Amazon.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Adult swim is showing a Boondocks Marathon!

7 straigh hours of The Boondocks :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to watch Heuy fight Riley, Crouching Tiger style.
I just saw a commercial for a new line of Fancy Feast Cat Food, made up of cat food inspired by dishes served at resterants, like Wild Salmon Florentine in a delicate sauce with garden greens (not making that up. that is one of the choices.)

This has got to be one of the stupidest products I have seen in a while. I may be channeling Gallagher here, but look at how a cat cleans it's self. You can't tell me that the same toung it uses to lick it's own butt can really tell the difference between reguler, raw salmon and wild samon florentine in a delicate sauce with garden greens.

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure that cats are like you and me and get sick of the same thing over and over again. I know I would only be able to eat mice for so long before I start to get hungery for some tuna or a nice robin. But to make these fancy cat foods is just a waste of time and money.

Purina, I'll make you the same offer I made to Coke, Pepsi, and those idiots on Myspace. Give me the money you waste on developing new pet foods that are stupid, and I promis that when I take over the world you will become the official pet food company of the planet.

Monday, December 25, 2006

The Meaning Of Christmas

This is a story I wrote last week, inspired by the Boondocks Christmas episode. I was really nervous about it, since it would be the first thing my family had read since 5th grade and because it has no violence what so ever, but so far everyone had liked it.

It is dedicated to my family, and is posted here as my way of wishing my Non-Exsistant Readers a Merry Christmas.

The Meaning Of Christmas

Dedicated to my parents Mike and Brenda, and my siblings Karo, Jeremy, and Haley

Ashley Tompkins ran with tears in her eyes. The cold December wind whipped the falling snowflakes into her face and froze her tears, leaving icy trails on her face. She ignored the tears, ignored the wind as she ran, the clean, white canvas of snow that covered the street marred only by her footprints.

She ran until she reached the church and knocked on the door of the parsonage. Father Rodriguez had been a friend of the family for a long time, and with her parents gone, he was the only one she could think of who could help her. There was no answer so she knocked again. Again no answer. She sat down on the front step to wait. Wherever he was, Ashley was sure that he would be back soon.

She had stopped crying about a block from the church, too tired from running in the deep snow. Now the tears began to once again flow as she pulled her legs close to her body. She wished that she had grabbed her jacket and boots, instead of running out barefoot and wearing only jeans and the sweater Grandma had given her last year. She hugged her legs to her body and curled up her toes as the cold wind hit her.

Ashley didn’t know how long she had been sitting there; she didn’t own a watch and even if she did, she didn’t really know how to tell time yet. She had stopped crying and just sat there, shivering and hoping that Father Rodriguez would arrive soon. Suddenly she heard the sound of a bell jingling as a shadow fell over her.

Ashley turned around and saw a tall, overweight man wearing a red suit. His long white beard, covering half his chest, made him easily recognizable, as did his red hat with a Jingle Bell on the end.


“Hello Ashley. What are you doing out here in this weather?”

“I ran away because Billy was being mean.”

“”What happened?”

“ I was writing a letter to you to tell you what I wanted for Christmas. I didn’t know how to spell a word, so I asked him, and he said that I was stupid and that you weren’t real!”

“It’s true.” Santa said with a chuckle. “To him I’m not real. He’s too grown up to believe in me. Someday the same thing will happen to you. You’ll become more concerned about how your make up looks or wearing the latest fashion or if some boy likes you, and you’ll stop believing in me.”

“Boys are icky.”

“I’m sure your father loves to hear that,” Santa said, his belly shaking as he laughed, “and hopes you keep saying that until you’re thirty. But just saying that I’m not real or that you’re stupid shouldn’t be enough of a reason to run away. What else happened?”

“He said that you couldn’t give me what I wanted, because you weren’t real.”

“What did you ask for?”

“That you would make mommy and daddy stop yelling at each other and not get a divorce. And then he said that it was my fault that mommy and daddy were getting a divorce. He said that they didn’t start fighting until after I was born and it was my fault that they didn’t like each other anymore.”

Tears began to flow once again from Ashley’s eyes, and Santa held the child, trying to comfort her. She continued to talk, but her sobbing made it impossible to understand what she was saying. After a few minutes, Santa brushed away her tears and looked her in the eyes.

“Ashley, I have some bad news. He’s right. I can’t make your parents like each other again, but I do have a question. Do you know the meaning of Christmas?”
“My Sunday School teacher said that it is Jesus’ birthday.”

“That is why we celebrate it, but that isn’t the meaning of Christmas. Even people who don’t believe in Jesus celebrate Christmas. Jesus’ birth is important, but the real meaning of Christmas is love.”


“Yes, love. You see, God loved all of us so much that he sent us Jesus. That’s why people who don’t believe in Jesus celebrate Christmas. Because the meaning of Christmas is love. Do you understand?’


Santa smiled. “I thought you might say that. How about I show you.”

Santa picked up Ashley and placed her in his sleigh. She hadn’t heard it arrive, but there it was; all nine reindeer were there with Rudolph in the lead. At Santa’s command they flew into the air and over the city until the got to the street Ashley lived on. Beneath them, she could see her brother walking around with a flashlight.

“What do you see Ashley?”


“Right. After you ran out the door, he put on his boots and jacket, he grabbed your jacket, and he started looking for you. When he lost your footprints at the intersection, he went home to call your parents. Father Rodriguez had stopped to visit and called them because Billy was crying too hard.”

“Why was he crying?”

“He was worried about you. He wasn’t sure if you had been hurt or kidnapped or something.”

They flew down the street, towards two other points of light. As they got closer, Ashley recognized her parents and called out to them, but they didn’t answer.

“They can’t see or hear us, because they don’t believe in me anymore. When they got home, Father Rodriguez said that he would help your father look for you, while your mother stayed at home in case you or the police called, but she refused to stay home while you were in danger. So he stayed at the house to answer the phone, and your parents are out looking for you. Do you know why?”

“Because they love me?”

“Right. Your parents might not like each other very much sometimes, but they will always love you, no matter what you do. And on Christmas, we celebrate with the people we love. We might not always get along, but on Christmas, it doesn’t matter. That is why even people who don’t believe in Jesus celebrate Christmas. Do you understand what I meant now?”

“I think so.”

“Good. Now, I can’t help your parents like each other again, but they love you so much that they stopped fighting to look for you. And maybe after this, they’ll realize that they still love each other and not get a divorce after all. But if they do, I want you to know that it is not your fault, ok? They’re down there looking for you because they love you and they don’t want anything bad to happen to you. If their fighting was your fault, do you think they would be out there searching for you together?”


“Right. So if anyone tries to tell you that it’s your fault that your parents are fighting, just ignore them, ok?”


“Good. Now I think it is time they found you so that your family can go inside where it’s warm.”

Santa landed the sleigh near where Ashley’s family was looking and she hopped out into the snow. Before he left, Santa leaned out of the sleigh.

“Merry Christmas Ashley, and don’t worry about Billy.” He said, with a twinkle in his eyes. “I think I might have some coal laying around the workshop for him.”

“You don’t have to punish him by giving him coal. I think he has been through enough.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear. Now be a good girl, and have a Merry Christmas.”
Ashley waved as Santa flew off. When she couldn’t see him anymore, she ran towards her family. Her mother yelled her name as she wrapped her arms around Ashley. He father joined the group hug and her mother cried, tears of joy streaming down her face. Billy stood nearby, looking at the ground. After a few minutes Ashley walked up to her big brother.

“I’m sorry I called you stupid and said it was your fault mom and dad are getting a divorce.”

“That’s ok.” Ashley said as she took Billy’s hand and smiled. “I still love you.”

Father Rodreguize, hearing Ashley’s mother yell, stood in the doorway of their house as the family walked home, hand in hand.
I read in the paper over the weekend that the general;s in Iraq want us to send over more tropps. Meanwhile the Democrats are working on a plan to start withdrawing troops.

I wonder who knows the situation over there better. The suits in Washington, or the troops in the trenchs?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas

OR at least a little more like it. Yes it'sraining, which is really rare for this late in December in Minnesota, but it looks like freezing rain. There might even be some ice that isn't melting, because it is getting white in a few spots.

I'm suddenly very glad I forgot to give myparents the bags of salt I have in the back of my truck for increased traction. I got the type they need for their water softener, but if I didn't have them back there, it might be fun getting to work today.

Update: Casey just told me that they are closing schools in New Ulm, probobly because the roads are getting too slippery. I also read that there was a big snowstorm in Colorado. I'm wondering if we arn't on the outside edge of the system right now. Looks like I might be getting my wish and having a white Christmas after all. I just hope it isn't too bad.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It seems I have a tough choice on my hands. I just found out that Live Free or Die Hard opens the same day as Transformers.

I've been looking forward to both these movies for quite a while, but with both of them opening on the same day, I'm not sure which I want to see more.

accually it's not much of a choice. I am, and always will be, a Transfan. I'll go to Die Hard 4 some other time.

BTW, the latest trailers make it pretty easy to make this choice. the one for Die Hard makes it seem like every other shoot-em up movie (which is what it is) but the new Transformers trailer makes it look really cool.

See for yourself. Below is the trailer for Live Free or Die Hard, released before The Pursuit of Happyness, another movie I want to see. The new Transformers trailer isn't on YouTube (which is kind of surpising) but can be found here.

Monday, December 18, 2006

KFC killed the Mayans?

Followed a link from Habb's blog and ended up here. After skimming through his blog, I found the article that Habbs reffered too. The part I found most interesting was this part.

The civilization had ceased to exist by the time the "Conquistadores" hit the beaches, which means that the horrible white Europeans cannot be blamed for its demise, a truth the Left really hates and is seeking to disprove (currently they are blaming trans-fats, French Fries, and KFT---Kentucky Fried Tapir--- in their diets).

I admit, my area of interest is Egyptology, not the Ancient Mayans, but I do find them interesting. And since I don't know a huge amount about the Mayans, I can't confirm the existance of this theory. Apparently neither can Wikipedia, since their article about the Mayan Civilization didn't mention it.

I'm going out on a limb and guessing that, if this theory accually exists, it is just some hair-brained theory developed by people who don't know what they are talking about.

If anyone of my non existant readers know anything about this theory, let me know.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I love AMC. I got home from the Fiend to find that they were playing the original 1931 version of Frankenstine, and next? the 1931 Dracula! These are great movies, and everyone should watch them.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to watch a torch weilding mob chase a monster :)

Coolest Wedding Cake Ever!

This has got to be the coolest weeding cake ever. I want one when I get married. I just need to find a girl first.

Here is the article I got the pic from.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Which Polyhedral Are You?

I am a d20

You are the large, round, friendly d20! (You probably didn't know this, but the shape of the twenty-sided die is called an Icosahedron.) You are the friendly, outgoing, outspoken, leader of friends. You are often looked up to, even though you don't normally deserve it. Most other types secretly wish they were you, and you'd give them tips on how, if only you had a clue yourself. Your charisma is often all you need, but you have your occasional moments of brilliance as well--just never when it's actually needed. You are the all-around good guy, a dependable chum, a respectable foe, and an inspiration to those who need one. Who says you can't get by on a smile and good looks alone?

Take the quiz at

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Girl In The House

After getting three reviews that had the word creepy in the first sentance, I think my latest story is a success. I can't take full credit. It was inspired by a short story I read called Girl In The Attic. The story is different, but concept of a girl who died in her family home and is now haunting it is the same.

I am proud of this story, because it is my first stand alone short story (the other stories I have posted here are technicaly shor-short, or flash stories) Every other sotry I have writen I have come up with ways to continue or they were part of a larger project to begin with. While I have some ideas for more stories taking place in the same town as this one, they have nothing to do with this story :)

Warning, this is a long story. it is 6 pages double spaced in Microsoft Word. just thought I would warn you.


The Girl In The House

Lance Landis enjoyed his evening run. Every day he would eat supper, put on his running cloths, kiss his wife good-bye and run for a few miles. He felt good keeping in shape, and while he would never even try to enter something like the New York Marathon, he had been in a few local ones. He even did reasonably good, placing second in last year’s 10K.

More then anything, he enjoyed the isolation. It was just himself. No telemarketers calling to try and sell him stuff he never wanted in the first place. No co-workers trying to talk him into joining the company softball team, no wife asking him what he thought of the latest decorating idea she saw in Better Homes. Just him. A chance to be alone, think about the day, think about the future. Sometimes think about nothing and just clear his mind.

Lance had chosen this route for that exact reason. True there were better paths then this nearly non-existent animal trail, but none were as isolated. He had tried running in the park, but the sound of passing cars and the people walking past annoyed him. Out here, there was nothing except the sound of the wind and an occasional animal to keep him company.

The only real down side he could think of was the fact that it gets dark, and with no streetlights to light the path, it some times became hard to follow. Several times, as the days grew shorter, he had come home in darkness, barely able to see the trail and guided only by the porch light as he exited the trail and found himself in his own back yard.

That and the house.

Lance shivered as he drew closer to it. Having lived his entire life in this town, he had heard the story. Fifty years ago, this house was the site of tragedy. He had only been five then, but he vaguely remembered his parents discussing it at the dinner table the night after the police issued a statement.

The house belonged to the Ullrich’s. Fifty years ago, Old Man Ullrich went crazy and killed his wife and two sons before going after his daughter, Lyne. She managed to get away and locked herself in the attic, barricading the door so he couldn’t break it down. As he beat on the door, she realized she was trapped. She could jump, but the fall would probably kill her. In the end, as her father beat on the door trying to get in, she broke a window and used a shard of glass to slash her wrists. As she lay dieing, she wrote on the floor with her own blood what had happened. She knew that her father would never let her out of the house alive, and choose to end her life rather then die slowly of dehydration or starvation.

As her life left her, she wrote that her father had broken in. Seeing his daughter close to death, he dipped his finger in her blood and wrote a curse. Because she had been selfish and chosen to die apart form her family, she would haunt the attic for all eternity. After he was done, he put the barrel of his shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, splattering his brains against the ceiling. The officer that found them threw up as he entered the room.

Since then the legend had grown. Anyone caught in the attic on the anniversary of the murders would join Lyne in the attic. Lights would be seen in the house, as well as shouting and the sounds of gunfire. People believed the legends, and every year some kids would try their luck, entering the house for a good scare.

Of course Lance didn’t believe the legends. Just superstition and nonsense. He was a well-educated, intelligent man. The only time he had for local folklore was while sitting around the campfire, passing a bottle of Jack around.

Still, the house gave him chills every time he saw it. Maybe it was his subconscious buying into the stories. Maybe it was just the fact that it was an abandoned house on an isolated trail. Whatever the reason, Lance tried to be past the house long before night fell. Unfortunately this night he was not so lucky. A conversation with his brother Ivan had kept him inside longer then he wanted and now he was running faster in the hopes of making up time.

As Lance drew closer, he glanced up at the attic window and stopped. In the window he could make out a girl, pounding against the glass. No doubt some stupid kid who was freaking out after her friends abandoned her. Gathering his courage Lance entered the house to help.

The house was dark and Lance cursed beneath his breath. His Mag-Light had been growing dim for some time, but he kept forgetting to change the batteries. Now, as he entered the house he turned it on to find the batteries completely dead. Slowly he made his way towards the stair and walked up them, yelling to the girl that he was there to help. The old boards creaked underneath him, adding to the creepiness of the house. In the dieing light of the setting sun, Lance thought he saw undisturbed dust on the stairs, but he ignored it. Obviously just his mind playing tricks on him.

He reached the top of the stairs and could see a broken door; it’s hinges barely hanging onto the doorframe, at the end of the hallway. Past the door he could just make out the form of a girl in a dress.

He walked towards the room, calling to the girl, the floorboards continuing to creak underneath him. For some reason she didn’t seem to hear him. As he entered the room, he could see the blood stains on the floor. Due to the growing shadows, he could see, but not read the words she had written as she slowly bled to death.
As he drew closer to the girl, he saw that she was wearing a red dress, in an older style. Ignoring it, he reached out to her, gently putting his hand on her shoulder so as not to startle her. She turned, reaching up and touching his hand. Her touch was ice cold. What little light there was fell on her and he drew back in horror. On her wrist was a gaping wound, jagged, with dried blood.

Lance ran out of the room, with gruesome specter following him. He looked back to see her drawing closer as he reached the top of the stairs. Still looking back, he missed the top step and fell.

He landed at the bottom of the stairs and heard something snap. He tried to stand, but couldn’t feel anything below his legs. Lance began to slowly drag himself towards the door. He was almost there. He looked back and saw the spirit drawing closer. Lance reached towards the door, as everything faded to black.

One Year Later

Katie Basso enjoyed her evening run. Every day she would eat supper, put on her running cloths, kiss her dog good-bye and run for a few miles. She felt good keeping in shape, and while she hadn’t done too well in the New York Marathon, she had done better in a few smaller ones. She even did reasonably good, placing second in last year’s 12K.

She couldn’t help but smile as she ran. When her company told her that she was being transferred to Pine Creek, she had been mad. After spending all her life in New York, she didn’t think she could adjust to life in a smaller city. But after a few weeks, she had learned about this isolated animal trail and fallen in love. Nothing in NYC could match this. Everywhere she had tried running she had encountered cars or other people. Here, she was isolated; alone. And she liked it that way.

As much as she had hated Pine Creek when she first moved here, she had fallen in love with the small town. She had made friends, and for the first in her life could see herself settling own and raising a family here. She had thought about asking Thor to move here so that they could be closer. Their long distance relationship could only last so long, but at the moment he was happy working for the Times. Until something opened up in the Pine Creek Gazette, she would have to be happy with seeing him on weekends.

Probably the best friend she had made was her neighbor, Wendy Landis. She had been the one who told her about this trail. Her husband used to love running, and had taken this trail almost every day. After finishing her runs in Wendy’s back yard, they would sit on the porch, drink a few glasses of wine, and talk about life.

Katie knew that Wendy missed her husband; they had known each other since grade school and had been married for about three years when he died. According to Wendy, he had been found in an abandoned house along the trail. Why he was in there, no one knew. Apparently he had fallen down the stairs leading to the top floor and broken his back. He had also broken several ribs, which punctured his internal organs. He had tried to get outside, and had died half way through the door. The official cause: internal bleeding.

Of course Wendy had told her the stories about the house, and how some people thought that it had been Lyne Ullrich that had killed her husband. Neither of them believed the stories. They were intelligent, well educated women. They had no time for folk tales and local legends.

Still, as she ran past the house, a cold chill ran down Katie’s spine. She had run past the house before, but never this late in the day, with shadows this long. The house looked creepy, and she could understand why people thought it was haunted. The fact that Lance had died a year ago today didn’t help any either.

As she ran past, Katie looked up. In the attic window, she thought she saw a man, screaming for help. Behind him was a woman in a red dress.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I just heard the sound of the first snowmobile of the year outside.

So what you say? What's wrong with hearing snowmobiles in december?

Maybe the fact that there is no SNOW! They've been predicting snow for the last couple of weeks, but so far nothing. My mom was in Mankato today and it was snowing pretty hard there, but here all that we have gotten was a few flurries over the weekend. The wind started to pick up as the sun went down, but there still isn't any snow.

So what in the seven spiral galaxies was someone doing riding snowmobile!
saw this video on Go Clipless and I had to post it. This guy is good, although this is nothing. We have some videos at the Fiend with some guys who are crazier then him, jumping off buldings, riding along hand rails (not wide ones either. They put a tire cam on the bike and the rail isn't musch wider then the tire) and then jumping from one rail, across a side walk, and landing on a rail on the other side. Stuff like that. These guys are crazy. I don't do trials riding, but I love to watch it.

YEAH!!! I found my Bible Notebook.!

I'm sure most of my non-exsistant readers could care less.

Accually the only reason I am excited is because of the contents of the notebook.

I have a hard time paying attention during the sermon most of the time, so I don't. I read my Bible and and then I get the sermon on tape so that I can rewind it if I get distracted by something. (keep reading after the pastor stops, my mind wanders, a squirrel runs across the platform, stuff like that.) I use to also write im my notebook. Usually it was stuff of related to something I read or some revalation I had about the Bible or God or something like that.

One of the things I was writing was a booklet on Spiritual Warfare. I have been working onit for about 4 years now, althought the last year or so my notebook was missing, so I didn't work on it much.

The reason I am excited, and the reason it was missing, is because of what started each chapter. Each chapter in the booklet was started with part of a story about a castle undersiege, with the final part of the story following the end of the last chapter. I had taken it out of my Bible to transfer the story part onto my computer, but I never did and then it got burried in one of the drawers in my dresser/file cabinent (I hang up most of my cloths, so the only thing in the dresser are stuff like socks, underwear, and PJs.)

Like I said, I never finished the story or the booklet, but I remember what was going to happen, and I plan on posting the story as I transfer it. What I have so far turned out pretty good, and I think people will like it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

ECW December To Dismember

Last night, ECW held their first "solo" PPV since January 7, 2001. I use the term solo losely, because in order to put the show together, they had to move Elijah Burke, Sylvester Terkay, Great Khali, Daivari, and Bobby Lashley from Smackdown to ECW, and have the Hardy Boyz and MNM reunite and face each other. So inorder to have their first solo show, they had to bring people who are currently on the rostor for Raw and Smackdown in, as well as move a bunch of people to ECW.

Some of the moves they have made are good. I have no problem with some of the moves they have made, but I will talk about those in a week or 2 when I give my thoughts on ECW's first 6 months. As far as the guys I mentioned, I have no problem with Daivari or Burke beight there, since we haven't seen them in action too much. From what I under stand, Daivari should fit in just fine, assuming he drops the pissed-off arab gimmick. I haven't heard too much about Burke, but I know he has plenty of potential and could be a great wrestler, so ECW might be the best place for him.

The rest of the guys I mentioned that were moved I don't like though. They just don'e have the right feel, but they are big guys, and Vince McMahon has to have big guys on his rosters.

the real crime is the fact that they felt that they had to move Boby Lashley from Smackdown and give him the ECW title! Why not give it to RVD! or if they didn't want to give it to an ECW Original, then why not C.M. Punk, who has gotten his big break in ECW?

Why did they feel the need to move Lashley to ECW and give him the title? He was ready to move into the main even on Smackdown, and with Rey out, the main event talent on Smackdown if already nearly nonexsistant. They have Batista, King Booker, and Chris Benoit. Ken Kennedy is getting there, but he still needs a bit more time before he gets there (his fued with Taker should get him there) With JBL looking to return to the ring some time early next year, they need more faces.

Also, why did they feel they had to take a match from WWE and put it on an ECW card? ECW is known for some of the matchs they have come up with, but when the most inovation they can come up with is putting weapons in the elimination chanber, that is sad. They should have left the Chamber for New Years Revolution and come up with something original, or have reguler match and have more developed matchs take place on the undercard.

At the end of the day it was still an ECW show, and I plan on either buying the DVD or at the very least barrow it from some friends who get most of the WWE PPVs.

In a related note, WWE.Com has announced that Paul Heyman was sent home before the ECW house show tonight. hopefully Heyman will be moved backstage and will take control, like he should have from the start.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

This Sucks

I just got back from Marshel. Me, Jirus, Caleb, and Dan went to see Casino Royal. I saw it last week end with my bro, but I was more the willing to see it again.

I was going to drive, but my battery was dead. I don't know why. The lights were off, the door was closed all the way, there is no reason for it to be dead. The only thing I can think of is if I remember right this is the original battery. Maybe the cold weather just drained it completely.

So I ended up riding my Roadie to work, where we were meeting. We went to Mashel, saw the movie. every one liked it and we had fun, but when I got home, I saw that my bike wasn't there anymore! We looked in the entrence way to see if maybe they moved it inside when they closed, but we didn't see it.

I don't know yet if it was stolen. Jason was managing tonight, he knew I rode my bike, and maybe he moved it in. Dan said he would ask and call me as soon as he did so I can call the cops if nessecerry.

I just hope he did put it inside.

Update: Dan called, and Jason hadn't put put the Roadie inside. I called the cops and gave them a description, and they said they would keep an eye out for it. They also told me to check back in a couple of days.

I hope we find it.

Friday, December 01, 2006

National Novel Writing Month is Over!

NaNoWriMo ended about 15 minutes ago. I called it quits about 2 minutes before it ended and uploaded my final word count; 12,245.

I didn't reach the 50K word goal, but I did a lot better then I thought I would. the 12,245 words are spread out among 6 new Fantasy stories, a short story set during the Mutagenics War (an event that took place in the early 90s, about 15 years before Fantasy started) Dragon's Fire, and about half of a new story which I have been working on for a while now.

In the end, I think it was good for me to participate, and I think I will again. I might not beable to get 50K words next year either, but if I can meat or pass this years word count, I will be happy.

Now if you will excuse me, I think I will go to bed. I have been typing since I got home from work and I am kind of tired now.