Monday, July 31, 2006

John Deere Bike

Saw this over on Blue Mountain Mountain Bike.

Sure it might not be green, infact the only thing on it that is in the traditional John Deere colors is the name, but who cares. It's a John Deere, and

Nothing Runs Like A Deere!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Landis Accused Of Cheating

Why am I not surprised. It seems that Floyd Landis, winner of the Tour De France, has been tested positive for high levels of testosterone. Gonna go out on a limb and say that the Tour officials, the same guys who have been out to get Lance Armstrong for years, had something to do with this story being released before all the info is in.

According to the reports, his A sample tested positive for high levels of Testosterone, a possible sign of doping. Phonak has suspend him until the test results for the B sample come back. If it comes back positive, he could be stripped of his Tour win.

The thing about the test though is the fact that it doesn't tell the whole story. More tests would be needed. Obviously they would have to test for performance enhancing drugs, and they would have to test samples taken before and after Stage 17 (the stage what the samples were taken from.) If they test negative, then he should be free to go, since there is no way performance enhancing drugs would be in the Stage 17 samples, but not 15 or 19 samples.

There are other reasons that the levels might be high. Some people just have naturally high levels, although this would have shown up in earlier tests.

Alcohol can increase levels (he had a beer and a shot of Jack the night before Stage 17,) but not enough to show up on most tests. Dehydration and intense effort can increase levels as well.

On Stage 16, the Bonk Monster got Landis. He would have gotten back to the hotel dehydrated, which could theoretically increase the effect of the alcohol. The next day, on Stage 17, he put in a very intense effort and may have been dehydrated. All of this combined could easily explain the higher levels.

In the end, we will just have to wait until the results for the B samples to come in before we find out the truth. Until then, I am going to consider him innocent until proven guilty.

Some other good articles about this story can be found at here on Cycling News and here on Velo News

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Day In The Life

Inspired by a new column on which follows a Superstar through his day (The first one can be found here and shows a day in the life of Ken Kennedy.) It was kind of interesting, and I thought it might be fun to do something like it, so here it goes.

2:00 AM: The Alarm on my stereo went off. I'm glad that I have it as a back up since the damn alarm clock didn't go off again. I should rely replace the piece of crap. I turn it off just as K-Max starts singing and go to the bathroom before going back to bed. It only takes me a half an hour to get ready for work, and I don't need to get up this early.

2:30 AM: piece of crap alarm clock failed me again. I set it to go off 5 minutes ago, but nothing happened. Of course I freak out before I realize I'm not late for work. I get up, eat breakfast (Honey Nut Cheerios) and watch Emeril Live as I get ready for work.

3:00 AM: Crap. I just got to work, expecting an easy day, but instead I find out that a lot of orders came in after I left yesterday. Now I have to figure out how we are going to it off this time.

3:05 AM: Took a few aspirin and am now ready to get to work. Normally I don't need them, but I didn't sleep well last night and my Knees, Back, Shoulder; pretty much my whole body hurts right now. The aspirin should help me get through the day.

11:30 AM: Just got home. Had to work late doing some clean up because, due to incompetent scheduling and/or lack of hireing help, my assistant had to leave a half hour early, leaving me to finish his stuff and mine! And because of this I missed Molto Mario :( Oh well. I stick a few frozen Ckicken Kievs in the microwave and play Devil May Cry as it cooks.

1:00 PM: Time to head out for a ride. Everyday Italian is on as I gear up and tape my knees. I think this is the first time I have seen her not wearing a shirt that showed off her cleavage.

1:25 PM: As I ride past Dari King, I contemplate stoping. A Blackberry or Red Raspberry shake would be realy nice right now. Unfortunatly I didn't bring any cash with me. Reluctantly I ride past. Then I remember that I have a pint of Orange Sherbert in the freezer at home, a worthy prize for a good day's ride.

1:29 PM: As I approach Dairy King I again contemplate stopping for a Blizzard, but I decide not to, for the above reasons.

1:45 PM: I get home and walk into my appartment, once again thanking God for the invention of Air Conditioning. I change out of my riding gear, grab my Ice Cream, and site down to watch some T.V. 30 Minute Meals is on. I have no problem with the show, but Rachael Ray I have problems with. She is always so energetic and happy, it's annoying. Fortunatly the History Channel has a show on about Samurai.

4:45 PM: Just woke up from a short nap. I don't like taking naps, because I could be doing other things, but it felt realy good. Now it's time to start getting ready for the community ride later tonight

5:40 PM: I think I am getting the hang of taping my knees. I still pull out a few leg hairs (I haven't taken the plunge and shaved them yet like a few friends of mine have. they did it to cut down on resistance. I would be doing it so I don't pull out leg hairs when I remove the tape.) I realized that if I put one layer sticky side up and then put the next layer on like you are suppose to, the only time you pull out hairs is when you don't line them up exactly. A few hairs are better then a lot, and I am getting to the point where I don't pull out any :) Knee brace is on, now I just have top wait for my parents to call and then we will ride together to the Fiend for the community ride.

7:55 PM: Just got back from the Community Ride. There were only 4 of us this week, but it was still fun. ate supper at the Fiend and hung out for a while. I was going to play some video game when I got home, but Who Wants To Be A Superhero" is on.

9:00 PM: Who Wants To Be A Superhero isn't too bad. Infact, it might be only the second reality tv show I accualy watch. The best character is Major Victory. The way he acts some times reminds me of Austin powers. Now that it is over, it's time for some video games. I think I will play Galactic Wrestling. Got it on Tuesday, but haven't tried it yet.

10:00 PM: That's a fun game, but kind of tough. More like a fighting game then a wrestling game. Caught the tale end of The Amazing Screw On Head and I hope they make it into a series.

Well, time for bed. 2:00 will come way too soon. This has been a day in my life. Thanks for joining me.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Landis Wins Tour!

Landis has won the Tour De France. I never doubted he could do it in a second.

ok, that's not entirely true. I doubted it for a second or two when he was 8 minutes behind the leader, but that passed quickly.

It was definitly an exciting tour, and it's kind of cool that Hushovd won the first and last stages of the tour, but there are several questions that must be asked.

Will Landis be back next year? (he is haveing hip surgery which might mean the end of his career.)

Will Ullrich, Basso, and Hamilton be found guilty of Doping?

Will Ullrich find a new team? (he was fired from T-Mobile late last week.)

Will Vinokourov find a new team? (Astana-Würth dropped thier sponsership of his team due to the Doping Scandal.)

Will Discovery be able to recover from their disastourous first year with out Armstrong?

Will Cyclying be able to survive and even thrive, after the doping scandal?

And finaly will Ullrich realize how stupid his hair looks? (This is the best pic I could find.)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Landis Recovers And Wins Stage 17

On Tuesday he regained the Yellow Jersey. Yesterday he bonked on a climb and fell to 11th, 8:08 behind the leader. Today he destroyed anyone trying to beat him to the finish line and is now only 30 seconds behind the leader.

This morning I was talking to a co-worker about how bad I did in my pics for the tour this year. I thought that Landis would win, Vinokourov, Basso, and Ullrich would fight over second place, and Boonen would take fifth.

Vinokourov, Basso, and Ullrich are all out because of the Doping scandel (Vinokourov wasn't linked to the scandel, but most of his team was, and they couldn't field the required number of riders, so he was out. Boonen left a few days ago because of breathing problems, and now Landis was 8:08 behind! You can imagine how excited I was by today's results.

I figured he would make up the time, I just didn't think it would be this quick. I figured that he would make up some today, more tomarrow, and then annihilate everyone during Saterday's time trial.

Landis went from being crossed off the list of contenders to once again being the favorite to win the tour.

if today is any indication, the others don't stand a chance :)

Evil Genius Party

I have finaly found a political party I ca agree with. It is the Evil Genius Party!

Finaly a party that understands the needs of the would be megalomaniac. Now, if they would only announce thier candidates for the 08 elections, I can start working on some way to rig the election sothat they win.

Hopefully my army of radioactive mutants will be redy by then. I can register them to vote and have a million votes at my disposal.

[insert evil laughter] Soon the evil geniuses of the world will finaly take their rightful place in the world, free of meddeling secret agents and super heros trying to stop them. Soon no one will be able to stop us from doing all sorts of evil things, such as using the last of the toilet paper and not replacing the roll, leaving just a little bit of milk in the carton and placing it back in the fridge, and possible one of the most evil things imaginable, not rewinding a barrowed video tape.

All this and more can be yours.

Join the Evil Genius Party today to create a more evil tomarrow.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mag-Lite Bike Lamp

Saw this over at Blue Collar Mountain Biking. It's accualy a pretty cool concept, I just wish I had known about it before yesterday, when I bought a new headlight. It's just a cheap Bell, but it gets the job done.

The main reason why it would have been nice to know about it before hand (yes it's my fault for not checking Blue Collar for a while) is because I carry a Mini-Mag most of the time anyways, so I would always have my headlight with me.

It's too late now, but when it is time to replace this headlight, maybe I will replace it with a Mag-Lite :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

How To Take Over The World

How To Take Over The World:
The Rules

‘ello. Reginald Butterfield here, field correspondent for the BBC. Over the years we ‘ave received numerous letters from viewers on the subject of world domination. We ‘ere at the BBC felt that it was our duty to explain how exactly to take over the world. That is why we ‘ave teamed up with Jefferson Pharmaceuticals, makers of Get The Cork anti-diarrihal medicine, Can’t Go laxatives, Little Jimmies first nuclear reactor with real weapons grade plutonium, and of course Mommy’s Best Cake Mixes. Remember, if it doesn’t say Mommy’s Best, Mommy didn’t make it.

Tonight we will explore the procedure required to take over the world. In future installments we will explore various types of world domination, ‘ave a butcher’s at different ways of taking over the world, and talk with some people who have actually succeeded.

As we all know, the UN is the authority by which all would be megalomaniacs must answer to. After all, they ‘ave their own plans for world domination and are nice enough to let others try to take over the world before they do. Therefore everyone must receive permission from the UN before attempting to take over the world.
In order to receive permission, you must first decide what type of world domination you want to try. There are three main ways; through military power, economic power, and through secret societies. We will explore these in depth later.

After deciding what type you want to attempt, you must develop a plan detailing things such where your funding comes from, what your army will be made up of, how long it will take, and how you plan on being defeated. After presenting your proposal, in triplicate of course, to the UN, they will put you on a waiting list. When it is your turn, you will hopefully have everything in place to start taking over the world.

The main obstacle most people run into is financial problems, but our sponsors, Jefferson Pharmaceuticals, will gladly donate necessary amount.

Now you know ‘ow to gain permission to take over the world. Please join us tomorrow night when we will ‘ave a butcher’s at the most simplistic form of world domination, economic domination.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Well, things are looking up on the new job front. After dropping off my resume and application, I went to Walmart to get some stuff and rode home. When I got home, I checked my mail and found the new issue of Velo News. It got better when I got into my apartment. On my phone was a message from Midwest Wireless, calling to set up an interview. It's not for the Tech Support 2 job, which I really wanted, but Tech Support 1 would be good too. So I called them back and set up the interview for next Tuesday, so if you are reading this before 3:30 on the 25, if you could send up some prayers to whatever deity you believe in, I would appreciate it.

Now that I got the application in for the hospital, I have a tough decision to make. What if I get hired for both jobs? Which one do I choose?

The Midwest Wireless job would involve moving, probably to New Ulm. New Ulm in about halfway between Mankato (where I would be working) and Redwood (where I live now) so I could get back to visit friends and family pretty easily. Plus Casey, who also works at Midwest Wireless, and his wife live in New Ulm, so at least I would know someone there, and we could theoretically car pool.

I say theoretically because it might be different hours, plus if I remember right, it would involve working Saterdays, so I still wouldn't have my weekends off.

The nice thing about the Hospital job is that I wouldn't have to move, since I live about 4 blocks from the hospital. I can literaly ride my bike there faster then I could drive. Even with having to wait for a few cars, it only took about 1.5 minutes to get there to drop off my application and resume. Plus, unless I was called in, I would have my weekends off, and I wouldn't have an hour long drive to get to work, so I could still train no problem, either before or after work.

The only down side to the Hospital job that I can think of is the fact that I wouldn't be working with Casey. We were both excited when a job the Tech Support 2 job at Midwest Wireless opened up, butcause we would be working together. Someone else got that job, but the Tech Support 1 job is only about 20 feet away from where he works, so it wouldn't be that bad. Forunatly, thanks to IM software, we could still talk.

So like I said, send up some prayers, I would appreciate it, and I will keep you, my faithful (non-existant) readers informed.
AAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who did I tick off this time to make the simple task of applying for a new job so difficult!

Here's what happened. I am applying for a job as a tech support specialist at the local hospital. I downloaded the .PDF file of the application and decided to fill it in on computer, and then E-mail it to them. Problem number 1. I needed the pro version of Adobe Acrobat to do it a friend said. So I got it, opened the file, and couldn't edit the document.

So after a few choice words directed at my laptop, I noticed another program installed called Adobe Designer. I opened that and it allowed my to place text boxes, which I could then fill in with the text I needed. Here is where Problem number 2 showed up. Some genius decided that they would allow people to make their own .PDF files, but the text would all be in white, against a white background, with no way to change the color!

That was easy to fix, I just copied an existing text box and pasted that where ever I needed it, resizing the box as nessecary. I printed it up and it looked good.

Problem solved, time to drop it off, right?

Wrong. This is problem number 3. I still needed to print my Resume. so I opened the file, clicked print, and the tower froze up. (I have the Printer connected to the Tower, and both the tower and the Laptop are networked together.) After resarting, I clicked print again, and it printed, but the Black Ink cartridge pooped out on my half way through the first page! So now I have to refill the ink cartridge.

So I get out my black ink refill kit, find the fill holes, and start filling the cartridge. Here comes problems number 4. I normaly fill the cartridges untill just a little ink comes out of the fill hole. Nothing was coming out, so I kept going. Then it over flowed. I'm not talking about just a little bit. I'm talking a bunch. Coming out of all three fill wholes.

I cleaned up the toop of the cartridge, placed a peice of tape over them, and was ready to go. Almost. Problem number 5 reared it's ugly head. I had too much ink in the cartridge, so it was coming out of the bottom. I placed it on a paper towl to wick away some of it.

After about ten minutes I was able to put the cartridge back into the printer. I clikced print and the Resume printed fine. Now comes the really tough part. I'm about to drop the application and resume off and hope that they are good enough to get me an interview, and hopefully a new job.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Stargate Returns!

Tonight is the season premier of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis. Finaly, after several month, we will finaly have new episodes :)

This is both good and bad. It's good for obvious reasons. The new seasons of SG-1 and Atlantis are starting. But it is also bad because it means that I will be downloading Smackdown again for the next few months.

Accualy that is a good thing, because hopefully I can skip past the Diva Boot Camp segment for the Diva Search Contest, I might watch a couple minutes, just to see Sargent Slaughter, but after that, it is time to fast forward.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Training Day 10

Just got back from today's ride. I feel a little bad about missing yesterday's Torture Run, but atleast I was out training. It was only 91 degrees out. Fortunatly there was a nice breeze out. Unfortunatly the route I took lead to a head wind most of the time.

Needless to say it felt nice walking into my 65 degree apartment :)

I changed my riding music today. I was listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall, in honor of Syd Barrett, a co-founder of Pink Floyd, who died on the 7th. I might change it to something else for the next ride, or I might keep it in for a while. I haven't decided yet.

Tomarrow is the Community Ride. Hopefully there will be more people this week.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

ECW Going Down Hill?

ECW just started. I never got to see any of their shows when they were around the first time, but I have enjoyed the last few weeks since they came back. None of the shows were that great so far, in fact I still like TNA better.

What has me worried about ECW is the title situation. The ECW champion is The Big Show. Tonight he is defending the title against Ric Flair. Neither of them are Extreme! Heck, Big Show isn't even that great of a wrestler! Flair is still great, but he is old and should retire.

Not only that, but now they have Paul Haymen as a Heel. Just what this industry need. Another evil leader of the company. Just what I expected from a company that became famous by being different. I suppose this is to be expected when Vince McMahon is in charge.

Right now it is realy stupid. Hayman is saying that he cost RVD the title and suspended him for 30 days because of the fans. That's almost as stupid as Jeff Jarret saying that the TNA Managment is holding him back when he is a minority owner of the company. Everyone knows why RVD was suspended and lost the title. He was arrested for drug possesion!

ECW could be great again. What they need to do is
1.) Get Kelly off the show (or at least get rid of Kelly's Expose.)
2.) Give Haymn complete control.
3.) Get rid of the Vampires, Fortune Teller, Zombies, ect. (No reason other then the fac tthat they are stupid.)
4.) Give The Sandman some an accual match, bit just him beating up a Zombie, a Priest, and a fat male striper (I think that was everyone he has beaten up so far)

I have nothing against Kelly, but just like the Diva matchs on Raw and Smackdown, her Expose is a pointless waste of time! I watch wrestling for wrestling, not Diva matchs (or Diva Search Contests.) I have nothing against Female wrestlers. In fact a few years ago, before Black Monday, I looked forward the Womens matchs more then anything else because at the time they were usualy the best on the card! Divas are women like Kelly, Stacy Keibler, and Torrie Wilson. Women Wrestlers are women like Trish Stratus, Victoria, and Mickie James. Women who can accualy wrestle.

As far as giving Hayman control, right now he doesn't have much control over ECW. McMahon is in complete control. When ECW first rose to power, who was in charge? Hayman! He was the "Evil Genius" who made ECW what it was! Right now it is just a WWE version of ECW. To truly recreate ECW, Hayman needs to be in complete control.

If they want to succed, they need to atleast put hayman in control, and create new stars. Right now the only new guys they have are Test, who is a former WWE wrestler whe was fired two years ago, Mike Knox, who got called up from OVW and C.M. Punk. They need to create more new stars as well as use the old stars properly (in other words not have them job to the new guys or former WWE guys) Only then will they truly succed.

Update: Ignore number 4. Looks like Sandman is starting a fued with Mike Knox. This could be good :)

Guardsman Wants Out

Saw this in the Star Tribune this morning. It seems that this young man changed his mind after joining the National Guard. What gets me is the reason he didn't want to join.

In the meantime, Valle started having doubts, reinforced by the basic training video. "I follow the law, but I don't like to take too many orders," he said.

He said he had planned to enter the Guard as a supply specialist. "I hate killing," he said. "I would hold a gun, but I don't think I'd have the guts to pull the trigger."

So let me get this streight. This kid convinces his parents, who apparently can't speek or read english very well, to sign a form saying he can join the Guard (He was 17 ast the time.) He fails a test the first time, gets a tutor and passes the second time. He gets sworn in as a member of the National Guard, and then he decides he doesn't want to be a soldier because he doesn't want to take too many orders and because he doesn't want to kill anyone?

What did this kid think they did in the military? Play video games all day, witht he only yelling taking the form of trash talk?

I got news for you kid. Your going to be taking orders for most of your life. If you get a job after High School, you have to take orders from your boss. If you go to college you have to take orders, in the form of assingments, from your teachers and then you will have to take orders from your boss. And if keep quiting because you don't like taking orders, then you'll be taking orders that end with "Would you like fries with that?" for a living because no one else will hire you.

As far as not wanting to kill, I don't blame him. I feel the same way. But if it came down to me or some one trying to kill me, I don't think I would have too much trouble taking them out. I'm willing to bet that if this kid were in the same situation, he wouldn't have too much trouble either.

Monday, July 10, 2006

I am reading the archives for Penny Arcade and I just had to post this one. I would do something liek that, but first I would need a significant other, so for not, it will have to wait.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Samurai 7

I first heard about this anime adaptation of The Seven Samurai, a classic fim by Akira Kurosawa, from an article in Anime Insider while it was in preproduction and I have wanted to see it. Today, I got my chance as IFC was showing a Samurai 7 marathon today.

As far as the animation is concerned, it is right up there with Fafner as some of the best animation I have ever seenm but the series and story itself is possibly the best anime I have ever seen. It has a truly epic feel, and since each episode picks up where the last one left off, it makes it feel more like a movie then a tv show. Too bad they have only aired the forst 124 episodes (episode 15 is on later tonight.)

I will have to wait until next pay check, but I am definetly getting this series. I think I will get the original movie as well. I have always wanted to see it, and this gives me an excuse to buy it.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Training Day 4

Yesterday was the Community Group Ride, and it was kind of fun. Normaly there are about 8-10 people, but this time there were only three of us. About 1/4th of the way through, our trio became two as one of the riders got a flat tire and had to be picked up by her sister. My and my dad finished the ride, and we had a lot of fun, as always.

I'm accualy proud of myself. I made it up the 101 Hill in second gear. Might not seem too impressive, and it accualy isn't, but considering the fact that I have only 4 gears and bad knees, that it pretty good for me. More gears would help, because I could start in a higher gear and hit the hill at a higher speed, but until the Roadie is fixed, (dad brought it in, but after we got to the Fiend from my place, the back tire blew, so it is back into intensive care for the Roadie. Looks like it will need new rims) I'll have to work with what I have.

I accualy had more fun last night then I normaly do. I don't know about the rest of Team Biked It, but I always feel that it is up to me and the other members to control the group, making sure that no one falls too far behind and moves over to let cars by, stuff like that. With only 3 riders, one of them my dad, there was nothing for me to worry about.

I'm taking today off to rest. Like Wednesday, today would have been about building speed, and I as I said the other day, I am limited by the top speed of the Mountain Bike. I've been thinking of switching to the Commuter, but since it isn't set up right, it might just cause more problems to my knees.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dragon's Fury

Dragon’s Fury

I dove to left as the beast drove its massive head towards me, slamming nose first into the ground. I rolled to my feet and drove my sword into its eye. The Dragon howled in surprise and pain. Yellow blood oozed from the wound. Its scream shook the cave, causing rocks to fall. Fortunately my shield was strong enough to block the stones that fell on me.

The dragon swung its tail, catching me by surprise and knocking me across the room and into the wall. I rose to my knees, coughing and spitting up blood. The dragon pressed its advantage, shooting a stream of fire at me. I raised my brother’s shield, once again thankful for the excellent job he had done in crafting it. Too bad it hadn’t served him better. He had barely survived his encounter with this monstrosity, but unfortunately he had been mortally wounded in the battle.

The pain was excruciating as the fire superheated the shield. I could feel the skin on my arm blistering. I wanted to throw away the shield, but I knew that if I did, I was dead. The secrets of the shield would be the only thing that would win this fight.

Seconds felt like years before the flames stopped. I slowly rose to my feet, as the dragon swung its tail again. I was able to dive over it, landing on my burnt arm. I screamed in pain as the beast dove at me again, but I was ready. I raised my shield as its mouth closed around me, praying to all that was holy that it held. The beast rose and swung its head from side to side, trying to shake me loose, but I held on. This would be my only chance.

With the last of my strength, I activated the shield’s secret. The shield glowed red as a burning sensation coursed through my arm. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming as searing pain shot through me. Finally the shield was charged. A scarlet beam shot out of it, through the beast’s head, and into the ceiling above.

The dragon opened its mouth to scream and I fell. I made sure to land on my good arm and I ran as the beast fell to the ground, shaking the cave. As the dust settled, I got to my feet. Smoke rose from the wound in the back of its head. Picking up my sword, I drove it into the back of the dragon’s skull, severing its brain stem. It was over.

I stumbled towards the cave entrance and breathed in the fresh air as hover cars soared through the air of Energist City. Resting against the cave wall, my thoughts turned towards my brother.

Rest well Jacob. You have been avenged.

Training Day 2

The Torture Run went well. I did have to get off the bike for a minute or so about half way through the park, but after that I was fine. The only problem I had was the fact that my MP3 player didn't want to work right for the last half of the ride. Other then that it was a good ride.

Then I added about another 3 miles later that night by riding to a friend's house for a cook out and fireworks :)

I took today off. My knees are sore and I am a bit tired after work, so I decided to take the day off. It was just a city circuit, which is more for building speed and stuff like that. Since I am limited in how fast I can go, it's not that big of a deal if I skip a City Circuit every once in a while.

Tomarrow is the Community Group ride. As always, it should be fun.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Training Day 1

Yesterday I started Day 1 of my training. It was a normal City Circuit, and except for a couple of places it wasn't too hard. In fact if it wern't for the limitations of my bike, I probobly couls have done the whole ride 2 or 3 times, but my top speed was limited.

My knees weren't even that bad, nor was I out of breath. They hurt a bit going up some hills, but recovered quickly.

I even rode with out a bandana for the first time in a long time. It was only for a few blocks though. During the ride I rode past my old church and there was a funural going on. It was a veteran, and they were loading him into the hearse as I rode past, so I took off my bandana and stood up in the saddle as a sign of respect. A few blocks later I stopped and put the bandana back on.

Today is a Torture Run, the first one I have done in about a month or so. It should be interesting to see how I do.

Training Begins

Yesterday I started my training. My goal is to hopefully be ready to race next year. Whether or not I will is beside the point. I have a my training schedule figured out, and I will be tracking my diet using a program I found online.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be City Curcuit days, where I will ride around town. Once I get my Roadie back I might do som distance rides on Wednesdays, but until then, it will just be around town.

Tuesdays will be Toture Runs

Thursdays will be the Community Group Ride.

Saterdays will be Mountain Bike Rides.

As for the diet, this week I will coninue to eat like I normaly do. On Sunday I will look at the report and see how many calories, carbs, fat, ect I normaly eat and see if I can adjust my diet to increase muscle mass and decrease weight.