Friday, June 30, 2006

Site Redesign Take 6

It's been a while since I made any major changes Febuary to be exact. I like the black background, but I figured with the Tour De France starting tomarrow, I would change the colors for a while. After the Tour is over, I plan on changing it back, but until then I will proudly post with a yellow background

Basso and Ullrich out of the Tour

In news that has shaken the cycling world, from the teams getting ready for the start of the Tour De France tomarrow down to small groups that meet at their local bike shop or coffe house, Ivan Basso and Jan Ullrich, along with several other riders and an entire team (Astaná-Würth), have been suspended due to the recent doping scandle. (Here is a list of the people named in the investigation)

This is good and bad. Obviously it is bad for the sport and for the people suspended, but it is good for fans of this great sport.

While it is true that we will miss out on Ivan Basso, Jan Ullrich, and others racing, we will also see people who otherwise wouldn't have stood a chance. All of a sudden the Yellow Jersey is with in reach of guys like Landis, Valverde, Hincapie, Boonen, Zabel, Voeckler, and Leipheimer. Plus there might be someone who supprises us, like Hamilton did a few years ago when he broke his coller bone, but finished the race.

In the end, the cycling world will be watching, and in my oppinion this could be the best, and most interesting, tour in years.

Update: Here is a list of the people still in the Tour.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Well that was fast. I undid 7 days of rest in about 9 hours. By the time I was done with work, my legs were sore, my back was sore, and that pinched nerve I mentioned earlier was back.

Then I decided to be stupid and go for a bike ride. Wouldn't have been so bad if I had just done the City Circut,; but no. In my infinent stupidity I decided to go through the park. By the time I got home I was pretty much toast. I spent the lasft few hours drifting in and out of sleep (which was annoying because there was a show on the history channel about the crusades that I wanted to watch, but I missed most of it.)

I feel alot better now, but I am still limping around the apartment. It should be interesting to see how I feel tomarrow.

At least some good came out of the ride. I came up with a new writing project while I was out and plan on starting work on it tonight.

Now if you will excuse me, I sould probobly take a show before supper. I fell asleep before I could take one, and I need it.
Eric left for home yesterday morning, and now I am preparing to return to once again to the hell which is my job. As I sit here eating breakfast, I can't help but reflect on my time off.

The past week has been just what my body needed. After over a year of getting about 4 hours of sleep each night, it was nice to get 8 every night. My knees and back, while not perfect, and down to just a dull throbing pain, which is about normal, so that is good. Even a pinched nerve in my back hasn't heart for a few days.

I will be wearing my knee brace today. I don't really need it right now, but when you are throwing around 50+ lb bags and boxes of ingrediants, it's nice to have a little extra support.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bloody vengeance

Here is the story I was having trouble printing. Everyone who has read my writing says that it is the best I have written yet. Now it is time for the new to decide.

Just to warn you, this is not a kid friendly story. It would be rated R for violence and some language.

Bloody Vengeance

I burst through the door, my duel Ingrams blazing a bloody path through the room as three thugs leave a red impression on the wall. The rest go for their guns, but it’s too late. They are already dead. They just don’t know it yet. I dive behind a table as they open fire, their guns creating a beat you could dance to. But this is no nightclub and the only people dancing will be them.

I wait for them to empty their guns before breaking cover. Two of them dance a jig courtesy of the lead injections I give them. Two to go, but my band runs out of notes. I drop the Ingrams and pull out my Barrettes. A cymbal crash sounds as thug #2 fires his boomstick. Plaster flies from the wall as I dive for cover.

#2 gets cocky, thinking he has my number. The fat lady is warming up, but it’s not my funeral she’ll be singing at. He stands in the open and she hits a high note, wailing like a Banshee, as hot lead fills his body. His buddy takes a few pot shots, but I’m in the clear. He drops like a ton of bricks as I hit him, double taps to torso. The concert’s over. Time to head to the next stop on the tour.

I walk to the door, but something stops me. The audience wants an encore. I turn around and see #1 trying to get to his feet. I pull my trigger and hear a click. The band has left the building.

I pick up the shotgun and crack the barrel. One shell left. Good. That’s all I need. He begs for mercy as I walk towards him. I wonder if my family begged before their brains were splattered on the wall. In my mind, I can see them there. On their knees. Beat. Bloody. In my mind I see my wife’s face as my son is killed. Gray matter hits her as she screams. She holds Jason’s lifeless body as the barrel of a gun is presses against her temple. In my mind I see the face of her killer as blood and brain tissue sprays him. He smiles. He laughs. In my mind, the killer bears this mans face.

He screams as I step on his hand. I grind my foot like I’m putting out a cigarette. The crunching sound brings a smile to my face. I press the barrel of the shotgun into his other hand, pinning it to the ground. Blood sprays my jeans and he screams in pain as I pull the trigger.

I reach into my jacket and throw a note on the ground as he cradles his bloody stump. I should kill him. I should paint the room with his blood, but I need him alive. He will be my example. An example of what will come. With that note, he becomes a message as well. A message to his boss, Giovanni. I’m coming for you, you bastard. And not even God himself will stop me.


Just as I am savering the feeling of joy at having my tower back, everything comes crashing down. I tried to print a story to show Eric, but the P.O.S. won't print! It keeps saying that I am out of system resources! The only thing running is Microsoft Word! How can it be out of resources!

Needless to say I have gone from pure joy and hapyness to RCOB time in about 5 seconds flat!

I think I need to listen to some KMax to calm down.

Update: turns out the problem was that I had Network Neighbor hood open when I was trying to print. Why that would frack things up I don't know, but it did. Everything is fine now, and I will post the story later

The Tower Lives Again!

Yes, thanks to some help from Casey and some technical expertise on my part, the Tower lives again. Not only that, but due to some tinkering by me, the tower and laptop are networked together :)

Since alot of my writing stuff in on the laptop, I will still use that for writing, but the tower will be my actual work station, accessing the files as needed. Tat way if I want to work on somehting while at the Fiend, I will have an up to date version to work with. I will also work on my sites from the tower, since all my sites are already on there.

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to once again prove that I am the best saberist in town as I take on Eric in jedi Knight :)

Twins Win!

Just got back from the game.

Ok I didn't just get back from the game, I've been home for a few hours, but I haven't been back too long

Anyways, the Twins won! You probably already got that from the title of the post, but I figured that I would state it again. Final Score, 8-1. Their one run came in the 9th inning, with 2 outs and 2 men on base.

I'll admit, I marked out when something big happened. It wasn't too exciting of a game, and I was missing the TV announcers giving interesting but ultimately useless bits of trivia through out the game. There were a few times when I got excited though, like the 2 home runs (both by Twins players obviously) and a few times when there was a close call.

It was almost more interesting for me to watch the people. We were surrounded by Cubs fans, and they were practically having a heart attack every time something went wrong for them, which was often. One guy actually grabbed his friend's Twins hat for an inning to cover up the fact that he was a Cubs fan. When they got that one run, you would have thought that they just won the World Series they were so excited.

As for the Twins fans, they fit into two categories. There were the fanatics like Eric who were yelling at the top of their lungs every time there was a bad call or when they were taunting the other team. And then there were the calm fans, who reminded me of some of the wrestling matches from Japan that I have watched. They sat there, watching the game, cheering when someone did something good and not really coming alive until the last inning, when they started showing their excitement.

I think I fell into that last category.

Over all, it was a fun day. Would I have had as much fun by myself? No, but then again I probably wouldn't have gone to the game. Would I go again? Yes, because stuff like that is always better when enjoyed with friends.

The Great American Pasttime

In a few minutes my friend Eric and I will be going to New Ulm to meet up with Casey and his wife, and from there it is on to the Cities, where we will watch as the Minnesota Twins take on the Chicago Cubs.

As I said when Kirby Pucket died, I have very little interest in Baseball. I have enjoyed watching games for the last several days (Eric is a die hard Twins fan who doesn't miss a game if he can help it) and I enjoy going to them, but for the most part, I don't care. the same goes for Hockey and Soccer. I find them to be a bit boring.

Don't get me wrong. Aside from the fact that I think the athletes are overpaid, I have nothing against professional sports. I don't mind Basketball, and I love Football, Bicycle Racing, and most extreme sports. I just find Baseball a bit dull at times and can't understand why it is known as the great american pasttime.

That being said, there is something about being there in person that makes baseball instantly enjoyable. Maybe it is the enthusiasm of the crowd, the crack of the bat, the fact that, even though you have the same stuff at home, a $4 Dome Dog just tastes better then the same hot dog at home.

Whatever the reason, I will be there, I will be cheering, and I will be enjoying it. Check back later for my thoughts on the game.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Superman Marathon

I was flipping through the channels and saw that, except for an hour of Justice League and two hours of Batman Beyond, they are showing Superman: The Animated Series until 5 tomarrow. That's right. 19+ hours of Superman :) I wonder if they will do it again next week, like on Friday. I heard something important was happening Friday. Something about someone returning :)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Everything I Need To Know I Learned From ECW

I came up with this about a year ago on the way to church and wrote it in the parking lot on a paper plate I had on the floor of my truck. Jairus as been telling me I need to post it for a while now, and I finally found the plate while cleaning my bedroom recently, so here it is.


1.) Sometimes violence is the answer
2.) When fighting a friend who stole your childhood sweetheart, don't let him know you have a wife and kid. He might turn them against you.
3.) Steel chairs solve all problems.
4.) When in doubt, Powerbomb them into sharp pointy objects.
5.) When it is raining chairs, an umbrella won't help.
6.) A table is nice. A flaming table is better. powerbombing someone through a burning table is even better.
7.) Keep your bleeding internal so your mom won't worry.
8.) Super glue is as good as a hospital, and cheaper.

Added 9/19/06

9.) If you get fired, do humorous impersonations of your former co-workers and employer. You might just revolutionize the industry.
10.) Be careful when smashing beer cans on your forehead. you might cut yourself.
11.) Just because you are different doesn't mean you can't succeed.
12.) Singapore Cane or Kendo Stick. Different name, same effect.
13.) When there are no rules, everyone wins--except the guy who got pinned.
14.) Don't drink the Kool-Aid!
15.) When using a temp, always check their ID.
16.) Just because you don't know the rules, doesn't mean the guy hitting you with steel chairs don't.


1.) If it is your first apperance in four years, don't start with a Zombie.
2.) If your first trip to the big leagues failed, dye your hair, dress in black, and pretend your a vampire.
3.) What ever you do, don't make the fans chant "Change The Channel!"
4.) Vampires good. Zombies bad.

Lance reportedly admitted using EPO

The French daily LeMonde has announced that supposibly Lance Armstrong admited to taking EPO in 1996. I doubt it, since they have been trying to discredit Lance for years, but even if he had, EPO wasn't tested for back then and therefor even an admision of guilt is useless.

Odds are the people who said he admited to it are just tryig to make money. Why would a former teammate and his wife be there in the first place. Lance's wife would have been there, but not a teammate.

In the end, this is just another attempt by LeMonde to make Lance look bad and to create contaversy in the hopes that it will raise viewership of the tour. It is interesting that most of these allegations seem to show up around this time of the year.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ride Report--June 22, 2006

Today was a good ride. Eric went with and made it up the 101 hill. We also had the cousin of one of the kids that rides with us join us. She made it up too. I was very proud of them both. We were also joined by a friend who we use to Mountain Bike with, but has pretty much stopped riding since he got his license.

It gets better though. Eric is thinking about getting his bike out and fixing it up when he gets back home, and the young lady wants to ride with us again once she gets a better bike (she was riding a BMX bike).

As for me, it was pretty good. I was going probably about 6 miles up 101, and didn't have to drop down to first until the last hundred feet or so. I'm getting better every week.

Can't wait to see how I do next week :)
Saw this on Slashdot and I had to post it.

"A story just released by the Inquirer shows that 80% of incoming search requests from Microsoft's domain arrived via Google's search engine. In contrast, 64% of Yahoo! staff and 100% of Google staff use their own company's search engine. How's that for a product endorsement? I'd guess that Microsoft may soon add to the list of blocked URL's on their intranet."

You got to love that. Not even Microsoft's employees want to use their search engine!

Here Goes Nothing

This should be interesting, I just added The Freak Show to a blog directory, and I will probobly be adding it to a few more. like I said, should be interesting. I wonder it it will help get more readers or not. If so, great. If not, oh well. It's free, and I don't have anything better to do right now, so atleast I'm not wasting my time.

So if this is your first visit, hellow, enjoy your stay, and

Welcome To
The Freak Show

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Why Cartoon Network Sucks

First of all, I would like to say that I was a fan of Cartoon Network, and until about six months ago watched it extensively.

Since then, I haven't watched it that much. I still liked most of the shows on Adult Swim, and I still watch Toonami, with the appropriately named Toonami Trio, but even they are starting to take a turn for the worse.

Next month, Pee-Wee's Playhouse starts airing on Adult Swim. I had no problem when they had Small Soldiers, their first non-cartoon movie, on the air, but why Pee-Wee's Playhouse? And why Adult Swim? I could kind of understand them airing it during the day, when the show's target audience is more likely to watch, but not during Adult Swim!

Cartoon Network has been in a downward spiral since the new management took over. The first sign of this was the cancellation of Teen Titans and Justice League Unlimited, two rather popular shows. It seems that the new execs didn't like the pitches that were made for the new seasons and canceled them. Titans was atleast allowed to end on it's own, it wasn't rushed like JLU was.

Since then the network has gone down hill, and for the most part they have lost my viewership.

Thank God Boomerang is still good.

Ride Report--June 21, 2006

My friend Eric is staying for the week, and he agreed to join us on the group ride tomarrow. To get ready, we went on a nice 10 mile ride this wek, and despite a bit of complaining (not much, but a bit) he did pretty good. should be interesting to see how he does tomarrow.

The Commie Lawyers Strike Again

I haven't written about the ACLU for a while, mainly because I haven't had time to keep up with what the bastages are doing, but this lead to a borderline RCOB moment.

How the Commie Lawyers could consider saying "Thank You God" proselytizing is beyond me, but as the Stop The ACLU article says, if anyone would know, it would be them.

The really villains in this story aren't even them, it's the school! They reviewed it and told her to make some changes. I have no problem with that. They also had final approval of it. Again, no problem, and while I might not like it, I can understand why they told her to remove the stuff they did. But then they cut her mic. If they didn't want something in her speech, why didn't they just tell her to take it out?

What really torks me off is the hypocrisy of it. Had she been declaring her love for Allah or Shiva or Buddha, the school would have pissed a lot of people off for cutting her mic. The ACLU would have been suing them. But censoring mentioned of God and Jesus are bad.

Shite like this makes me want to reconsider my position on home schooling. I want my future kids to attend public school, but based on how often crap like this happens, I might change my mind.

And it's all thanks to groups like the American communist Lawyers Union, better known as the ACLU.

Update: I was reading the source article and I found this.

In 2003, the Clark County School Board amended district regulations on religious free speech, prohibiting district officials from organizing a prayer at graduation or selecting speakers for such events in a manner that favors religious speech or a prayer.

The remainder of the amendment allows for religious expression during school ceremonies.

Where students or other private graduation speakers are selected on the basis of genuinely neutral, evenhanded criteria and retain primary control over the content of their expression, however, that expression is not attributable to the school and, therefore, may not be restricted because of its religious (or anti-religious) content," it states.

So the schools own regulations say that she had every right to say what she wanted, just as long as she wasn't preaching about Jesus. By cutting her mic, they went against their own regulations.

It gets better though, because they contradict themselves a few paragraphs later.

"We review the speeches and tell them they may not proselytize," Hoffman said. "We encourage people to talk about religion and the impact on their lives. But when that discussion crosses over to become proselytizing, then we to tell students they can't do that."

one of the best ways to proselytize is by telling people the impact God has had on your life! If they encoursge one, but not the other, then what is left? This case just keeps getting better and better.

Unfortunatly, Freedom of speach will most likely lose in the end, as we move one step closer to destroying what the Founding Fathers intended when they wrote the Constitution.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

How Jedi Are You?

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Video Of The Day--June 17, 2006

Man am I getting bad at doing this. I am accualy thinking about canceling the Video Of The Day, although I will stillpost the some videos that I want to share. Any ways, here are the videos for today and yesterday. The first is part 2 of that X Division tribute, fetureing more X Division wrestlers.

Once again I saved the best for last. The second video is Christopher Daniels VS Alex Shelly VS Sonjau Dutt in a triple threat match for Zero-1 Max in Japan. Daniels is one of the best wrestlers out there, even better then Samoa Joe, despite what some of my firends might say.

It's kind of cool that the fans are chanting "Fallen Angle", despite the fact that when Daniels was wrestling in Japan full time, he wore a mask and wrestled under the name Curry Man.

CNN's Hidden Agenda?

I was checking out the news on and I clicked on this link. I'm not going to post about the story itself. I've posted before about idiots who post stuff they don't want found, in this case nude photos, online. I don't feel like posting about it again.

What I am posting about in the sub-heading of the article, which states that the school this teacher taught at is the same one that President Bush's daughters attended. This has nothing to do with the article, so why is it there? is it because of some hidden, liberal agenda? Are they hoping to make Bush look bad by connecting him and his family to this story? For If there is, I wouldn't be suprised. The news media is natoriously liberal, dispite what some letter writers to the Star Tribune might say.

Update: I wrote this yesterday, when I first saw this article, but didn't have time to post it so I saved it as a draft. After Iposted it, I clicked the link to make sure it still worked and noticed that they had removed the sub heading. There is still line at the end of the article, but I have no problem with that one.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Spider-man Unmasked

I was just watching the rebroadcast of Attack Of The Show and they said that Marvel Comics is doing something huge. This year's big storyline is Civil War. Here are the basics. (The info, as well as a summary to date, can be found here.

During a televised raid of a house containing select villains that had recently escaped from the super villain facility at Ryker's Island prison during a massive breakout, the escaped villain Nitro let off a massive explosion that killed the majority of the New Warriors, as well as the children at a nearby elementary school. In the wake of the tragedy, the U.S. Government proposed the Superhuman Registration Act, intending to register all super-powered beings as living weapons of mass destruction and requiring all costumed heroes to unmask themselves before the government and subject themselves to federally mandated standards.

This event triggered negative public opinion against the super-heroes, resulting in the Human Torch (Johnny Storm) being assaulted by a mob and Captain America (Steve Rogers) being propositioned by S.H.I.E.L.D. to become part of the enforcement of super heroes to register. When he refused, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Maria Hill ordered S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Anti-Superhuman Response Unit to tranquilize him, but Rogers escaped and went underground.

The biggest news today is in Civil War #2, where Spider-Man reveals his identity to the public! This is huge! It should be interesting to see how this plays out.

In a related note, hopefully he will go back tot he classic costume. The new one looks stupid.


I have today off. My first day off since Memorial Day. So I decided to wake up early and watch Beast Wars on on G4,. but what I saw disappointed me. I was all excited when I saw what episode was on. So excited in fact that I ran to my living room to watch it in there (bigger screen, better sound system)

The episode was Code Of Hero

Transformers fans know all about the greatnes of this episode. For everyone else, it is the best episode in Beast wars and possibly the best Transformers episode of all time.

We had expeienced the death of Cybertronians before. Transformers: The Movie saw the deahs of several character, including Wheeljack, Ironhide, Prowl, and Optimus Prime. But there was nothing like this. As Ben Yee said,

Once Dinobot discovered his destiny, he did not run. He acted like a true hero would and embraced it with all his heart and determination. Battling more fierce and powerful than he ever had before, all in the name of protecting life and the future, he showed us the best that a Transformer can be. However, at the same time he showed something that we rarely see in children's programming: war has consequences. This is a powerful message and the ending of this episode had me in tears, this ranks among the best Transformers episodes ever, not just Beast Wars Transformers, but every series that has ever aired.

This is truly one of the greatest episodes ever, but they compressed it into a clip show! They told the entire story in about 5 minutes!

It gets worse though. Afterwards they showed clipshow versions of Transmutate, and Agenda parts 1-3. Some of the best episodes in the series, compressed into 5 minute segments. For someone like me who has seen all these episodes countless times, it was very sad indeed.

Do yourself a favor and either buy or download these episodes and watch them as they were ment to be.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Since I didn't get a video up for yesterday, I hae 2 today. the first is A.J. Styles VS Jeff Hardy for the X Division TItle. The second one is a a collection of clips featuring several stars from the X Division. There is a second video for some more of the X Division Superstars, and I might post that tomarrow.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Bring It On

Seems the guy who took al-Zarqawi's place has vowed revenge. Good for him. He thinks he can take us.

While he's experiencing delusions of grandur, I think he should remember one thing. His boy is responsible for the death of thousands. While he's celebrating al-Zarqawi's death and saying "Allah bless his soul", he's looking a little too high.

But don't worry. If he wants to join al-Zarqawi, we will be more the happy to make that happen. just don't worry about a jacket. you won't need it where your going bub.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Video Of The Day--June 13, 2006

Continuing this week's X Division theme, here is a match from last year's Slammiversary. It was Samoa Joe's first TNA match. Now, a year later, he has yet to be pinned or submit, but that could change this Sunday as he faces Scott Steiner at this year's Slammiversary

200th Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH! This ithe my 200th Post! When I made my 100th post in February I said that I hoped it wouldn't take almost a year to get to number 200. It took just over 4 months! (#100 was made on February 12, and it is June 13.) I doubt that I can get to #300 faster then that, but we will ahve to wait and see :)

Ride Report--June 13, 2006

Had a nice little ride. Still on my Mountain Bike. I was hoping to get the Roadie fixed yesterday. I got new tires, new tubes, new cables, but there was one problem. The Fiend was closed due to Cat being abducted by aliens. Accualy he was out of town with his family, but that's Cat for you :). So I wnded up taking the Mountain Bike.

I was taking my normal route, but about half way through, I decided to go through park. No big deal, since I was feeling pretty good. Could be because the Mountain Bike is an easier ride then the Roadie, or it could be because I am in better shape then I was last week or the week before. Since I don't have any proof for either of them, I will chose the second one :)

While in the park, I decided to do some exploring. Found a few new trail, but I only explored one of them. I didn't plan on hitting the park, let alone do any exploring, so I didn't have my helmet. No helmet equals no drops :( But there was some nice technical trails I found and explored. The ground was kind of soft, and there was a big hill after a bit that I knew I couldn't get up with the dirt this soft. So I got off and walked for a while.

It was kind of cool because the trail linked up with another trail that we had ridden before. while not paved or maintained by the park, the one we ride is popular with walkers (and kids who want to drink/do drugs and not get caught), so it is quite well defined. It is also a trail we take quite often, which is why the Tree huggers tried to block it off with trees (they blocked 2 other trail some time last fall.) It backfired though, because 2 of their barricades can be riden over :)

In the end, I had a lot of fun. I was tired when I got home, but it was a good tired. Who knows. Tomarrow I might take mu helmet ;)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Video Of The Day--June 12, 2006

Thsi week is dedicated to TNA's X Division. And what better way to start things of then with the Triple Threat match from Unbreakable for the X Divition Title. This match featured the three best men in the X Division, A.J. Styles, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe. Enjoy

I had to post this. I love the punchline.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Redwood Community Parade

Just got back from the parade. It was kind of cold, but it was fun. It was also kind of wierd. It was the first time in 2 years that Team Biked It wasn't in it. 2 years ago, it was fun. we were just goofing around, saw someone we knew and asked if we could join them. They said yes, and we followed themdoing Figure 8's, wheelies, and other tricks we could do on how Low Riders. Last year we rode with my church, and it was fun, but there were to many people riding with us, and a bunch of them were kids who weren't that experianced. I couldn't have fun doing tricks because I was afraid I was going to hit someone.

Like I said, it was fun. Casey called and I sat with him. Accualy I leaned against my Mountain Bike :)

They invited me to the Red Birds game after the parade, but I had to get home and get ready for bed. Plus Doctor Who was on :) I missed the first half, but I am taping it, so I will watch the first part tomarrow.

Video Of The Day--June 9, 2006

I have no idea what song this is, but the footage is from Final Fantasy Advent Children. It's pretty good.

Tomarrow is the end of Final Fantasy week, but I saved the best for last

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ride Report--June 8, 2006

Despite the protest of my body, I went on the group ride today. This morning I was going to be there, but I wasn't going to ride. I was just going to see them off. Then I took a nap and felt better. I'm kind of glad I did too. I was in the back like I usualy am, and I was able to talk to one of the kids that was with us. It was fun trying to convince him that, while not as good as Doctor Who, Stargate might just be better then Star Trek. (Not I said MIGHT, so all you Trek fans can put away your phasers. I love the franchise, I just like Stargate better)

The best part was when we were comming up 101. Cat fell backto ride with the slower ridders, and I quickly passed my dad. I was able to maintain about 6 MPH up the hill and was the first to the top! My knees were fried, but I made it :)

The cool thing is I'm not even that tired or sore right now like I usualy am. I am planning on taking until monday off though. I have been pushing myself hard since monday, and I need to recover.

Video Of The Day--June 8, 2006

Sorry about not posting a VOTD yesterday. When I got home, I found the video I wanted to post, went to post it, and found out the server was down for maintanance. So I figured no problem, I could wait. Then I remembered that WWE VS ECW was on, so I was busy reading the WWE site, finding out what happened in the last half of Smackdown and then I got busy with other stuff. It wasn't until I went to bed that I remembered that I hadn't posted.

To make up for it, I am posting Yesterday's and Today's VOTDs. Enjouy :)

The first video is a cool one. the music is "Hero by Nickleback. The footage is from Final fantasy 8, 9, and 10.

And now, the video for today. It is "Crawling" by Linkin Park with footage from Final Fantasy 8. I love this video, especialy the last minute or so (after they show the title)I have got to find a copy of this that I can download :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Video Of the Day--June 6, 2004

Continuign this week's Final Fantasy theme, here is the opening of Final Fantasy 8, whcih has pretty much the best opening I have ever seen in a video game. Enjoy

Call The Doc!

It had to happen sooner or later. While out riding today, I blew out the rear tire on my Roadie. Like I said, it was going to happen sooner or later. The tires are the same ones that were on tehre when I got it used, and I have been meaning to replace them for a while, but either didn't think of it or couldn't afford to.

While I was riding today, I heard a pop. Looking down, I saw that the back tire was flat. Didn't take long to find the hole. So I threw the bike on my shoulder, placed my gloves under it, and walked home. It was only about a half mile. When I got there, I threw it in the back of my truck and headed to the Cofee Shop. There is a bike shop in the basement, so I took the Roadie down there and grabed my mountain Bike (I store it there because 1.) I don't have room in my apartment and 2.) most of the time I ride it, we are meeting there anyways.)

I also grabbed my helmet. you never know. I might feel like hitting the trail some time :)

So now my Mountain Bike is sitting in my apartment, and is my main (and only) bike for the moment. Fortunatly my dad is one of the best bike machanics in town. I will call him after he gets off work and see if he can fix it this weekend.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Video Of the Day--June 5, 2004

Here is another great FF7: Advent Children music video. This is accualy the one that got me thinking about doing a Video of The Day thing. Enjoy.

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children--Highway to hell by AC/DC

Video Of the Day--June 4, 2004

I was watching some videos on You Tube and I decided to start posting some of my favorites. here is the first one.

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children--Faint by linkin Park

i saw this joke the other day and I had to post it.

A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the email.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read:

To: My loving wife

Subject: I've arrived Date: April 6, 2006

I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I've just arrived and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.

P.S. sure is freaking hot down here!!!!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

What Famous Leader Are You?

What Classic Movie Are You?