Thursday, April 30, 2009

yeah, don't really have anything to add to this except for maybe LOL

Get Fuzzy
My computer was running really slow. So I check and it turns out that Tvarsity's media server is running, a program that is apparently fine when in use, but a resource hog when not in use but still running.

My question is why the F%$# is it still running! the 360, which I use Tvarsity to stream video to, has been off for about an hour! There is no reason it should be running!

Don't you just love stupid programs that don't know when to die.
For all you whoa re freaking out about Swine Flu, a few facts.

1.) This isn't the first outbreak (First one on record was in 1918, most recent before now in 2007.
2.) We have had 1 fatality nationwide and 1 case (reported, but not officially) (as of yesterday afternoon) in Minnesota. No reason to over react and CLOSE SCHOOLS!
3.) We are a little better prepared to handle this then Mexico.
4.) There are bigger things to worry about then illnesses that can be stopped by people doing things they should be doing anyways, like covering their mouth when they cough and washing their hands well.
5.) Could be a CDC conspiracy blowing this out of proportion so they get more money
6.) "Oh No! 41 (not sure the actual number, but there were 40 +1 possible in MN) cases of Swine Flu in the US!!!!" Yeah, because that is so much of a crisis compared to the 233 cases of Malaria that were reported in New Your City in 2007 alone (state total: 326. MN had 28. Info from here)
7.) With Obama spending more in his first 60 days in office (4 times as much if I remember right) then Bush did in his last three years, should we really be concerned about this? After all, by the time this actually does reach epidemic proportions, the country will be out of business (good thing we can always just print more money to fix our problems. Too bad if I were to do that it would be a crime.)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Before I go any further, let me just say that, yes this is another post about something I read on Wil Wheaton's blog. I think the reason I'm enjoying some of his posts so much is because he is facing some of the same stuff I am (or will) when it comes to self publishing. And he is a nerd, which is always good. Anyways, this time it is something I read in this post.

"Because nobody told me I couldn't."

The above line was spoken by David Gerrold, who wrote and sold The Trouble With Tribbles when he was only 19. He said that when Wheaton asked how he had the courage to do so.

This is something anyone, especially people who are into creative type things, need to memorize. Cooking classes will teach you how to cook, writing classes will teach you how to right, but in either of them, if you color outside of the lines and do something like Dragon's Fury with it's mix of sci-fi and fantasy, you will be told you can't do that (just ask JH) When it comes to creativity, don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. If it works, great. if it doesn't, great. At least you tried. And it isn't just writing or cooking. Once, a few friends were going to the church to jam and use the church's sound system. being the only one who knew how to run it, I of course went along. when the comment was made that they needed a drummer and Cat couldn't make it, I grabbed the sticks. when asked if I knew how to play the drums, I said I didn't know, but there was only one way to find out (or no, but that never stopped me before. Another line I commonly use in those situations) And I didn't do the best, but by the time we left, I wasn't doing that bad for someone who had never played drums in his life.

I think Abe Simpson said it best though.

"you never know what you're capable of. I never thought I could shoot down a German plane, but last year I proved myself wrong."
Saw this on Wil Wheaton's blog and I think I'll let the post speak for itself.

This is in fact huge news for people who don't have a deal with a publishing house and have to either A.) work with a smaller publisher or B.) self publish. Not only that, but it could be the next big thing in Print On Demand Publishing, because instead of waiting a week or so to get your book, you get it in 5 minutes!

And with out shipping costs or anything like that, self published books sold like this could very well make the author more money, which is always a good thing. Right now, if I had any books ready, I would be looking at maybe $2 profit from each $8 book (shipping costs, printing costs, site costs, ect. and that was before gas prices skyrocketed) With this thing, that could change to $3 or $4 per book. Not much, but it's still better then $2. And even if the profit were the same, it would still get the books to a wider audience, which is one of the biggest hurdles, self publishing or not.

On, and before any one leaves any nasty comments about how I got the numbers wrong, the last time I looked into print on demand sights was a few years ago, so I might have the numbers wrong, but the fact remains that this is huge, and if self publishers can get in on it, it will hopefully increase their profits.
I just realizied that I hadn't checked to see what happened at Bcklash on Sunday. So I headed over to to find out. and as it was loading I scrolled down and saw that Christian had won the ECW Heavyweight title. Good for him. Then I saw a poll on the side of the page. What follows is pretty much word for word what was going through my mind as I read it.

"'Which newly crowned champion had the greatest title match performance at Backlash?' ECW champ Christian? no suprise that he won. World Champ Edge? little suprise there. WWE Champ Randy Orton...What the hell!?"

Even more shocking is the fact that he won the title cleanly! Trips was distracted, allowing Orton to connect with the RKO, but when HHH got up from that, Orton Punted him in the head to get the win!

Triple H didn't show up on Raw on Monday, no doubt playing up an injury angle. Marvel, if you are reading this, now's the time to start filming the Thor movie, cause once he gets back, I'm guessing he will be busy trying to win the title once again.
I'm converting some videos I downloaded off YouTube so I can compile them into a single file. Unfortunately I downloaded them using my old software, which DLed them as .flv files. So I have to use my old conversion software to convert them to a format my editing software recognizes.

I forgot how much I hate my old converting software.

The new software I am using to DL videos allows you to load up a bunch of URLs and download them all. Not only that but it converts them to other formats as it's Downloading them! And it goes faster then the old software does at just Downloading!

As for the new converting software, the new one is much faster. I am ripping my DVDs to my computer and accidentally did the wrong format for Raiders Of The Lost Ark, so I took it into the old software and went to bed. By the time I got home from work the next day it was done. Mean while the new software took about 2 1/2 hours to convert it!

I will be so glad when I have all my .F:V files converted and don't have to use the old software ever again.

700th Post!!!!!!!!!


Post number 700!!!!!!!!

You may now return to surfing.
I have to admit, I'm rather disappointed with G.I. Joe: Resolute. For those of you who don't know, Resolute is a "Mature" take on the G.I. Joe franchise that was done as a series of webisodes that, when put together, form a one hour movie. By mature, they mean less sci-fi stuff, no lasers, and any one can be killed, giving everyone the same chances they had in the comics.

So of course none of the Joes die. Roadblock and Gun-Ho almost die at the end of one episode, but the next one with them in shows them escaping the explosion at the last second. Duke almost dies, but his gunshot wound is none fatal and doesn't slow him down a couple of hours later. In fact the only ones that die are all the Cobra guys except Destro, Barroness, and Cobra Commander! Everyone else dies! Hell, they killed off Major Bludd before the show even started!

The fact that the story jumps around so much doesn't help any either, it makes it harder to follow, and hopefully the combined version will be easier to follow the story. as it is, it is rather hard when they are switching scorelines every five minutes.

What is there for the story isn't that impressive either. Warren Ellis has done better, and I'm hoping that this isn't a sign of things to come for the Castlevania movie (Which is direct to DVD and animated, not in theaters and live action like most fans hoped :( )

And finally I've seen a lot of people praising the animation, which is "better then Sigma Six, which sucked"What shows are these idiots watching. the animation in Sigma Six was good, and this isn't that much better. Maybe a bit more detailed and darker, but not that much better. If I remember right, I read that it was even done by the same studio that did Sigma Six, although I could be wrong.

Over all, disappointed, but at least it gave us some new toys to play with :) Hopefully the movie is better.
YAY! I'm not the only one who has referred to a team of people going on some sort of a mission as an away team! but remember, when assembling your away team, to always include plenty of red shirts to keep yourself and the rest of the main cast safe. (expecting a joke about that to be in tomorrow's strip

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jamming To Write

I have discovered a new motivation for writing. or more accurately one to get me writing. and it is Guitar Hero World Tour.

Ok, any Guitar Hero or Rock Band, or Rock Revolution game will do, since the concept is the same. But if I force myself to write a couple of Paragraphs before I can play a new song, that is four or five+ paragraphs a gig in Career mode. And the best part is each song can be played four times at each of the five difficulty levels, meaning you can play each one 20 times before you move on if you want to play every one on every level with every instrument.

Assuming you play each one only 20 times, that is about 30-40 paragraphs per song. Times the 60 or so songs that shop with Guitar Hero and you have at least a novella before you are done with the game :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I just went to Geoff Johns's blog to get the address to add the the Comic Book section of the side bar and this was the first post I saw!!!!!!

The article he links to is here but the important part is the fact that, barring something major, the Green Lantern movie is finally getting made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, this news is worth all those exclamation points.

Robert Irvine is back as the host of Dinner: Impossible starting in April!!!!!


It's April!!!!!

There could be a brand new episode of Dinner Impossible with Robert Irvine as the host on the Food Network right now!!!!!

assuming of course they changed the schedule and are now showing episodes at 10 at night (central) on Tuesdays.

But who cares, Robert is back!!!!

You can now return to your normal, non-foodie nerd moment surfing now.
Rat did such a good job explaining what is wrong with this country's economy so well. Hope someone in the White House was reading the comics on Sunday.

Pearls Before Swine
finally getting around to watching Wrestlemania 25. I'm watching the Kid Rock concert right now and 2 words pretty much sum it up; Epic Fail.

first of all, you could tell that the fans weren't into it. The few times they showed the fans, they were pretty much just standing there watching. Later on they showed some fans jamming, and I wouldn't be surprised if they re-edit this part on the DVD to show the fans being more excited.

Then there were a few lines that got missed. for example, apparently someone forgot the line "All you bastards in the IRS" during Bawitaba, and I think he wanted the fans to sing "Get in the pit and try to love some one" the first time, but was greeted with silence.

During the last part, the Divas came out and danced with him, which saved it a bit. There was a line that was left out during So Hot as the divas were walking out for the Battle Royal, but that is edited on the radio too. the second time he sang it he changed it to Love you like I'm never gonna see you again. I think he for got to change it the first time.

Quite frankly they cheated the fans out of a great match for this crap. Don't get me wrong, I like Kid Rock, but I would rather see Miz/Morrison VS Carlito/Primo ina Unification title match. the match had been hyped a lot over the last few weeks, the fans were into it, and instead, they move that to a dark match which will be included int he DVD so they can show Kid Rock.

one good thing about the concert though. I want the Tilby he was wearing. Or preferably one like it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

While reading Anarchangel (yes, this is the same start to the one a couple of posts ago. I'm a few days behind and catching up) I realized something. As much as I and the most of Geekdom wants to hate will Wheaton due to him being Wesley Crusher, it is getting harder and harder not to like the guy. First he does the right thing and lets us know that Teen Titans was canceled (he played Aqualad) He was fun to listen to (along with the rest of Acquisition Inc.) During the D&D Podcasts and he proves to be more of a geek every day it seems. as proven by this post on his twitter page

"Stupid goddamn plastic package on my new SD card: HAHA YOU CAN'T OPEN ME! Me: Oh. Really? My Leatherman gives me +10 to open, fucker."

I hate to day it, but the dude is a Nerd, and the Farce may in fact be strong in him.
I noticed something interesting while writing the previous post. In march I wrote 2 posts. So far in April I've written (not counting this one and the previous one) 21 posts (there is one that isn't up yet because I submitted it to AC and am waiting for it to go up there first. Other wise they wont post it and give me an upfront payment. Might as well get a bit more money for it if I can, and if that means waiting a few days to post it, oh well)

YAY!!!! I'm Not Rich!

Saw this in the Anarchangel and he makes a good point. As I pointed out a couple months ago, the media does a good job brainwashing us, and the government likes to use that to their advantage. If the numbers in Chris' post are accurate (or as accurate as guesstaments can be) and I have no reason to doubt that they are, a suprisingly large amount of the country are considered rich, far greater then you would think. But since the government uses numbers like the "the top 15%", you think "that can't possibly be me", even if it is.

Maybe we need to hold more Tea Partys, and hope that the media covers future events fairly (although I do like Chris' idea. Smoked pork, Beer, and fire arms. MMmmmmmmm.)
you know, I wouldn't be surprised if our government was stupid enough to do this. Not just send bail out money to the wrong company due to similar name (even if it is in a different country) but also send it to some company that does something like make the plastic tubes at the end of shoe laces. Because obviously if they fail the economy will collapse.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

WWE Draft 2009 Thoughts

On Monday, WWE held it's annual draft and several big names changed shows. I thought I would give my thoughts on the changes made, listed by the shows the wrestlers moved to.


Triple H
There is a shocker. After moving to Smackdown in last year's draft, Triple H is back on Raw. I've been a fan of the Cerebral Assassin for a long time, but at the same time, with his connection to the McMahon family officially reveled, I can't help but wonder if he pulled some strings to get moved back the the "Flagship" show. The real downside to this is the fact that the move to Smackdown gave Triple H a whole new list of people to face, and the Smackdown title picture was rather exciting for the last year.

This was a pleasant surprise. I've been liking MVP more and more recently, and to see him moved to the big show is good. i would have liked to see him face more of the guys on Smackdown, but considering his reign just started, there are just as many new opponents on Raw as there were on Smackdown.

Matt Hardy
Good: Matt can resume his feud with MVP over the US title, with their alignment switched this time. Bad: was hoping his feud with Jeff would be contained entirely on Smackdown. of course with the Hardys on different brands, that means there is twice as much time to develop their feud.

Big Show
This might be interesting. If Show stays in the title race, could have some half way decent matches against HHH. If not, I could see halfway decent feuds with Mr Kennedy, John Cena, Shawn Micheals, Kofi Kingston, Santino Marella, and Batista. or an amazingly craptaculer one with Festus. My bet is on a feud with Festus

Would be more impressed if she could actually wrestle.

The Miz
Miz going after the US title could be interesting, although that is about all I can see him doing for the time being beyond feuds with other people halfway decent on the mic. A feud with HBK, Santino, Kofi or Mr Kennedy would be cool.

Brie Bella and Nikkie Bella
Yay! The feud between the sisters can continue!

The Brian Kendrick
Kendrick has been rather unimpressive since he went solo. with his current cocky gimmick, wouldn't mind seeing him make a run at the US title, but I'm thinking he will get lost in the mix.

What's the point of having Festus as a singles wrestler?

Carlito and Primo
Good. At least the didn't break up the tag team champs for too long.

Why? What are they going to do with him if Finly's not there

Chavo Guerrero
What the hell will Chavo do other then push Vickie's wheel chair around? A few good matches against Rey or Kofi, but that is about it.

Mr Kennedy
Next Heavyweight Champion, for either title. Ok, maybe not, but a decent run with the US title is a given, and feuds with guys at or near the main event are possible too, as he proved during his feuds with Undertaker and HBK.


CM Punk
A run with the Heavyweight title is pretty much guaranteed thanks to winning the MITB match at Wrestlemania 25. Another run at the IC title wouldn't be bad either. a continuation of his feud with John Morrison, a long feud with Edge or Jericho would be cool, and a heel turn and feud with Jeff Hardy would be must see TV.

YAY! Another feud with Undertaker! Or a partnership. Either way YAY!

Rey Mysterio
Little less excited about Rey moving to Smackdown as I was about MVP's move to Raw. After all, Rey has been on Smackdown since the roster split. on the bright side, most of the last year or so he was there he was facing main eventers and there is a whole new group of mid card talent, most of whom he hasn't face yet. Perfect time to take the IC title to the blue brand.

Chris Jericho
A new set if wrestlers and fans for Jericho to insult. This guy needs to turn face bad. He was better when he didn't take him self so seriously.

At least Smackdown got a better wrestler then Raw did.

Charlie Hass
Lots more people for Hass to impersonate :)

Dolph Ziggler
Could be good, could be bad. We'll have to wait and see. Guessing he will at least take a shot at the IC title.

JTG and Shad
Why did they move them to a show with no Tag belt?

John Morrison
Should be interesting to see Morrison as a singles wrestler again. But he has always been better as part of a team.

So much for that better wrestler comment I made for Milena. Think Layla cancels her out.

Ricky Ortiz
Ricky is on a bigger show, but hopefully a new show will also result in a new gimmick. Not much more they can do with his rally towels.

Candice is on Smackdown! The draft is looking better for the Women's Division.

Mike Knox
Why is he still with the company?

Alicia Fox
Never mind. They got Alicia too.


Vladamir Koslov
Well that was pointless. I suppose he could feud with Mark Henry or something.

Hurricane Helms
Crap. Was hoping for a feud against Matt Hardy. Look for Helms to make a run at the Heavyweight title. And maybe even win it. Maybe.

Natalya and DH Smith
Formation of a new Hart Foundation anyone?

Zack Ryder
This guy is still with the company?

Ezekiel Jackson
Should be interesting to see what he can do.

Final Thoughts
Big shock. ECW got screwed in the initial draft.

With DH Smith and Natalya joining (officially in Natalya's case) Tyson Kidd, looks like the new Hart Foundation might be a reality. Now they just need to decide if it's worth the hassle and bring in Teddy Hart to lead them.

What the hell are they going to do with Jesse with Festus moved to Raw. It's not like he's useful as a singles wrestler or anything.

Gee, great. We get to see Triple H face a bunch of guys he's faced a few hundred times before. Is there any main eventers on Raw, other then possibly Chris Jericho, that Trips didn't face before the move to Raw. Oh wait, Jericho moved to Smackdown. Makes Triple H's move even more exciting! Actually it kind of makes sense to move him. After all, most of the stuff involving the McMahons is on Raw, and with him officially a member of the family, that is the place for him to be.

Does anyone really care that the Diva's and Women's titles changed shows?

Why were Miz and Morrison split up? They were a great team. With just one belt, why not move all teams to one show, keep these guys together (right now there are only 3 actual teams) and rebuild the tag division around them, the Colon bros, Priceless, and Cryme Time.

It wasn't officially part of the draft, but why did they move Todd Grisham to Smackdown? He and Matt Striker rocked as an announce team, and I'm sure they could have moved someone else to Smackdown to take Tazz's place. Someone like Jerry Lawler perhaps.
Holy crap that was fast.

Last night I posted all the articles I hadn't posted to my Associated Content account, with the exception of a few that I can't. so imagine my surprise when I check my account this morning, less then 12 hours later, and the stories I posted (Bloody Vengeance and the first 2 chapters of Alliances Formed) have 4 hits already. but even more surprising is the face that on I wrote on how to choose a new graphics card for your computer has 18 hits and has been recommended once!

I just wish I hadn't posted it on Helium first since I could have made more money posting it on AC first. But if it keeps bringing the hits like this, who cares.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm watching the March 28 edition of Ring Of Honor and they had an interview with then ROH Champ Nigel McGuinness And during the interview, when he was talking about his opponant for the night Jay Brisco he started quoting Rory Breaker from Lock Stock and two Smoking Barrels!

Here is the original

If you hold back anything, I'll kill ya. If you bend the truth or I think your bending the truth, I'll kill ya. If you forget anything I'll kill ya. In fact, you're gonna have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick. Now do you understand everything I've said? Because if you don't, I'll kill ya.

And here is his version

If you don't bring 100% of what you've got Brisco, I'll kill ya. If you try some of those underhanded tactics to cheat. I'll kill ya. In fact, you're goinna have to work pretty hard to get out of that ring alive. Now do you understand? cause if you don't, i'll kill ya.

And in case you're wondering why I said then champ, McGuinness lost the title to Jerry Lynn on April 3 at Supercard Of Honor 4
I read this earlier and laughed my butt off. I read it again just now and am still laughing as I type this. Check it out.

Stephan Pastis's present for his wife

BTW. Pastis is the guy that writes Pearls Before Swine.
Hows this for a coincidence. This morning I was talking about how I was a bit disappointed that Geoff Johns wasn't writing Teen Titans, and when I get home tonight my first issue was waiting for me! And it's the first with Static!!!
In news related to the last post, according to Geoff Johns' website a comic related to Blackest Night will be released on Free Comic Book Day! I was going to post a link to his site about it (BTW, his site can be found here but the issue's cover is on the Wikipedia article I liniked to above.
Opps. I made a mistake.

When I subscribed to Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corp (a subscription that will hopefully start soon) I decided to add another title to the list. At first I was going to subscribe to Titans, which I had been enjoying for a couple of months thanks to torrents (for all those anti-people out there, i was trying to decide what to subscribe to and decided to DL the torrents to check out some new comics with out wasting money on ones I might not like.) Then I found out that Geoff Johns, who is writing Green Lantern, who would have made Final Crisis and probably even Batman: R.I.P. good, and is pretty much an awesome writer, is writing Teen Titans!

opps. Should have read the article better.

Found out that he isn't writing Teen Titans, but when the writer when the current volume was launched. The current writer is Sean McKeever, although his last issue will be #71, so I don't know if that will be in my subscription or not.

Oh well. At least I will (hopefully) get to see Static added to the team, which is the other reason I decided to get that one :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Supervillain Plot #713

Bring Peeps to life and see what happens. If nothing else, can kill them for their marshmallowy goodness.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Just learned something rather exciting.

Apparently it is not currently illegal to turn yourself into a super powered goblin monster unless doing so infringes on the rights of others. Nick Fury said so himself.

That gives me an idea for Super villain Plot #173.

But if you do turn yourself into a super powered goblin monster, and do so with out infringing on the rights of others, do so soon. S.H.I.E.L.D. is working to change the legality of that.

In case you are wondering what this is all about, I was just re-reading Ultimate Spiderman #24 and Nick Fury tells Peter that Norman Osborne turning himself into the Green Goblin (in the ultimate universe he actually turns into a "goblin" monster) instead of putting on a costume) is not illegal. thought that line was rather funny and had to say something about it. it is on page 8 if you are curious. It's also in the Trade paperback Volume 4: Legacy. not sure which page hat would be though.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Benoit's return to WWE?

Obviously it's not a real return since he has been dead for a couple of years, but after his death there was no reference to him. He remained listed in title histories, and his matches remained when they re released PPVs, but he has not included in any match collections (regardless of his involvement in the match) and no one in the company has mentioned him.

But it seems that is changing. He is listed on the Wrestlmania website, having taken part in 2 of the 24 best mania matches (Against Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 2000, Triple H and Shawn Micheals at Wrestlemania 20, and against Angle at Wrestlemanis 17) and he was included in the recently released "WWE Encyclopedia, with a half page entry and a large photo.

Obviously there is a lot of controversy surrounding him due to the events related to his death, but it is nice to see that, whether or not you like him, he is being recognized as part of wrestling history.

Supervillain Plot #16

Replace all liquid hand soap with superglue.
Can someone explain to me how a bunch of brain dead morons managed to not only vote on articles on Helium, but also run the site?

I'm working on getting the sidebar (at least the story section) up to date and decided to ad a section for articles I've posted. And of course one of them is the Reaction To Captain America's Death one. Just out of curiosity, since last time I was there i was ranked number 2, I decided to see if the previous number one was still there or if the guy had been dethroned, and sure enough he had been (down to number 3) and this one was number 1.

I have no problem with not being number 1, but to be behind a glorified OpEd piece! that's just stupid. What kind of idiots voted for that over mine? and for that matter how did it get in there in the first place and on in a section FOR OpEd pieces? After all, one I submitted, as an OpEd piece honoring Ric Flair, was rejected (forget why) but this thing is in the wrong section and works it's way to Number 1? Sounds like a bunch of Morons are running the show to me.

Associated Content and Triond are better sites anyways.

Wrestlemania 25 Predictions

Been meaning to do this for a while, but i keep forgetting. The last time I did this was for Summerslam 2006. With Wrestlemania 25 being tonight (and the first one I haven't seen on PPV in 3 years :( ) I figured I would do another one now. Might start doing this for all the WWE and TNA PVs, might not. don't know yet.

Unlike last time, my predictions will be based on what I think will happen and what I have read on the results page. I have watched most of the events leading up to Wrestlemania, but I am about a week behind, so I am reading the results for the past week (will still watch the shows though) so there may be some stuff that is not included in the results that might influence the outcome of the matches.

Also unlike last time, I will not be listing each match by a different color based on the show that it is from Like last time, that matches are color coded (Raw, Smackdown, and ECW) WWE decided to get rid of brand exclusive PPVs now matches can feature wrestlers from one show vs a wrestler from another show. Instead, I will be listing the match name in red and my prediction in blue . I am doing this to make it easier to tell what is the match and result, and what is my thoughts on why my prediction will happen.

Now onto the predictions, in the order they are listed on the web site.

Chris Jericho VS "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat & Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka--Jericho
I want to say that the Legends will win, especially since it is Wrestlemania, but I think Jericho will. After all, what has he really done since he lost the title at Survivor Series. Not much. Not only would a win continue the feud with Flair that started last June (not a main feud, but kind of a background one they come back to from time to time) but could also set up a Flair (or Flair substitute) VS Jericho match somewhere down the line, as well as get him back on track to winning the title.

25 Diva battle Royal--Gail Kim
Don't even know if she is in the match, but since she just returned I'm giving the win to Gail Kim. Before she debuted (or is it re-debuted) I would have said who cares, but all of a sudden there is a credible threat to both the Women's and Diva's championships. I also would have gone with the Playboy diva for this year, but for the first time since 2003, there hasn't been a photo shoot in playboy in time for Wrestlemania. Sounds like Kelly Kelly was offered it, but she refused. Wasn't she the one who spent her first few months with WWE trying to strip on ECW?

Money In The Bank Ladder Match--Christian
The case could be made for a few others to win this match. CM Punk won it last year, MVP is on the hottest streak of his career since turning face, Shelton Benjamin seemed to be doing well until he lost the US title to MVP. But I think Christian will win. He is the returning hero, having battled in rival TNA, and winning the Money In The Bank Match could set him up for a run at the gold against his "Brother" Edge at some point down the line.

Shawn Micheals VS Undertaker--Undertaker
Yes we are talking about HBK, but does anyone really think he stands a chance of ending Taker's streak? He is the biggest threat to it, but it's not going to end this year.

Carlito/Primo VS Miz/Morrison--Tag Team Unification Lumberjack Match--No One
I seriously doubt that there will be a winner to this match, and if there is, I doubt that it will be a clear winner. Something will happen that will case this match to be thrown out and the belts to remain separate. There are advantages to the belts being unified, like the fact that at the moment the champs are the only teams that are wort mentioning. Unifying them could help them build a stronger tag division by having one belt and 3 (soon to be 4) shows for it to be contested on, but I doubt that will happen.

Matt Hardy VS Jeff Hardy--Extreme Rules Match--Jeff
Matt has been antagonizing his brother for several months, and not it's time for Jeff to get some pay back. Will this be the end of the feud? no. Like Taker VS Kane, this is one that will continue off and on for a long time to come.

JBl (C) VS Rey Mysterio--Intercontinental Championship--Mysterio
Um, do I really need to explain this one?

Edge (C) VS Big Show VS John Cena--World Heavyweight Championship--Cena
Another one I shouldn't have to explain, but I will. Cena will win to take the belt back to Raw, and set off a feud between Show and Edge over Vickie.

Triple H (C) VS Randy Orton--WWE Heavyweight Championship--Triple H
Another no-brainer. Orton had been attacking Triple H's family since winning the Royal Rumble. Time for Triple H to defeat the bad guy and end Mania with a feel good moment as the good guy wins.

Friday, April 03, 2009

I want a Hulk-sized scoop of Ice Cream.

Space Cowboys VS Canadian Connection--Red White and Bruised 2008

Space Cowboys
Soon after the Space Cowboys debuted in January 2005, they won a contendership match and went on to become the Tag Team Champions, defeating Los Luchadores at St Paddy's Day Brawl. They held the belts till June, when they lost them to 5 Alarm at Red White and Bruised. They struggled to regain the belts and eventually turned heel and left SPW to join Bring The Pain Wrestling. There they won the Tag Team Championships one more before the company closed, becoming the last champions in company history. They returned to SPW and lost the belts to the Knights Templar in a Unification Match at night Of Champions 2007. They eventually regained the belts at King Of The Cage 2008, defeating the Canadian Connection They went on to dominate the Tag Team division, defeating every active, and some inactive, teams at House Shows, on Powersurge, and on PPV. Now the last team stands between them and total domination; the Canadian Connection wants their belts back.

Canadian Connection
A team that has accomplished much, winning almost every belt in the Tri-City Wrestling Alliance, as well as some in All Action Wrestling. The Canadians struggled to win the belts, finally doing so by defeating the Hardcore Revolution on the January 13, 2008 episode of Powersurge. They held the belts till King Of The Cage, when they were defeated by the Space Cowboys. After several months of trying, they finaly have another shot at the belt, and are determined to get them back.


The opening match saw the Tag Team champions the Space Cowboys taking on the Canadian Connection with the belts on the line. Spike stated things off against Razor. They lcked up int he middle of the ring, but Razor overpowered Spike and whipped him into the ropes before sending him to the mat with a Powerslam.He went for the early pin, but Spike easily kicked out. He went for a Powerbomb, but Spike managed to reverse it into a Hurricarana and tag in Jet.

Jet started unloading on Razor, connecting with several punches before leveling him with a Short Arm Clothsline. He locked Razor in a Side Headlock, but Razor managed to roll it into a pin attempt. Jet had no choice but to release the Headlock to kick out. Razor tried to get to his corner, but Jet grabbed his leg and connected with an elbow drop to the knee. He dragged Razor to the corner and tagged Spike back in. with Jet holding Razor in place, Spick connected with a Moonsault off the top rope and went for the pin, but Razor managed to get his foot on the bottom rope to break up the pin.

Spike dragged Razor towards the center of the ring went for the pin, but Razor managed to kick out and got the hot tag to bring Cage into the match. Razor held Spike back for a bit, giving Cage time to climb to the top rope and connect with a Missle Dropkick. A Standing Moonsault followed that up and ran to the corner, knocking Jet off the appron with an elbow. He turned towards Spke and was greated by a Side Kick. Spike went for the pin, but Cage kicked out on two.

Spike tried to drag Cage to his corner, but Cage got to his feet and connected with a Clothsline before locking Spike in an Inverted Facelock.Spike struggled to get t the ropes, but Razor pulled them away. as the ref yelled at Razor, Jet ran into the ring and attacked Cage, forcing him to break the hold. Jet pummeled Cage as the ref started the count, Powerbombing Cage and leaving the ring before he could reach five. Spike went for the pin, but Razor kicked out on 2.

Spike punched Razor several times and went for a Standing Moonsault, but Razor rolled out of the way and made the tag to bring Cage in.He went for a cloths line but Spike ducked it. Cage bounced off the ropes and connected with a Springboard Elbow. He bounced off the ropes again and nailed Cage in the head witha Baseball slide. Cage went for the ropes again, but this time Jet kicked Cage in the back and tried chocking him out. The ref started yelling at him and started a five count. With the ref distracted, Razor started punching Spike and sent him to the mat with the Razor's Edge. He got out of the ring as Jet released his hold on Cage.

Both men slowly got to their feet, but Cage got up first and connected with an Enziguri before going to the top rope. He signled for the Shooting Star Press, Faye climbed onto the ring apron and flashed the ref. With ref distracted, Jet pushed Cage off the top rope. Before the ref could turn around, Faye grabbed him and pushed his face to her chest. Jet as the ref struggled to get loose, a fan jumped over the barricade and grabbed Faye's leg, pulling her off the apron. The fan took off her hood to that the fan was Amy Kennedy! Kennedy connected with punch after punch as Faye tried to defend herself and close her shirt at the same time. With the ref still distracted and Razor trying to encourage his partner to get to his feet, Jet connected with a low Blow to Razor. Security got the two women seperated and the ref turned around in time to see Spike throw his arm over Cage to get the win. The Cowboys celebrated on their way up the ramp as Kennedy checked on her friends.

Aftermath: None. Until I get more done, Red White and Bruised is the present, so at the moment there is no after math to report from this match. to see what happens next, keep checking SPW for updates.
Why can't we do this?

Oh right. he's a bad guy

(still doesn't explain why I can't do it, other then the lasck of super strength)

I finished up a tag match for SPW's Red White and Bruised PPV (yes, I know it's like 9 months late) and I thought it turned out pretty good. So I'm going to post it later, as well as some info leading up to the match.

Then I got to thinking abut all the other matches I've written over the years. The ones I really liked or thought turned out really well I saved in a seperate file, so I think I might post those as well, telling about the events leading up to them as well as the aftermath of each match.
I always hated it when people would do this when I was working the express lane, but if he came in, don't think I would say anything either.


ok, so all I did was fix a link on a page (someone forgot the closing brackets) but it's still exciting to know that something I did will bee seen by 10s of people.