Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Best And Worst Ads

Not even going to bother commenting on these, because MSNBC already did. Check them out.

The 10 best Super Bowl ads of all time.

The 10 worst Super Bowl ads of all time.
I woke up early this morning. Not intentionaly. I just forgot to reset my alarm, so it went off at 6 instead of 8. No big deal. Would have been better if I had been able to fall asleep right away, but I was still tossing and turning two hours after I went to bed.

I didn't mind too much. I just decided to lay in bed for a little while and listen to Bob And Tom. Glad I did too, because they mentioned that there is talks of a Led Zepplin reunion tour.

There has been talk for several years of a reunion tour, and it has yet to happen, but it would still be cool. Zepplin might not be on eof my favoite bands, but they still rock, and I would love to see them in concert.

(just for the record, one of my favorite bands, Blue Oyster Cult, is still touring. I would love to see them in concert as well.)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wrestling Society X

Tonight was the debut of Wrestling Society X and while I was curious to see what Vince McMahon would say on ECW, I changed the channel in the hopes of going from a crappy product (although I must admit, the match in progress when I left, RVD VS Hardcore Holly, was pretty good.) to a good one. What follows is a as it happens review of the first episode of WSX.

The show opened with a performance by Black Label Society It was cool, but not necessary. Understandable though since this is MTV.

Matt Sydal VS Jack Evens
I've heard some good stuff abut these guys, and they didn't disappoint. A good match tat could have lasted longer, but was I said was still good. Jack Evens won it with the 630 Splash.

During the match, Zack Wylde joined the announcers.

Footage of some of the tag teams were shown. I've always loved tag team action, and so I was interested. Never heard of any of the teams, but it looks like one of the teams is from Dragon Gate. I've heard some good things about Dragon Gate, so it should be interesting.

During the commercial break I turned back to ECW in time to see some Divas dancing. quickly switched back to WSX.

Next up was the WSX Rumble. 10 men fighting over 2 contracts, with the winners facing each other next week to become the first WSX Heavyweight Champion. Surrounding the ring were tables, a box with live wires, and a cage section rigged with explosives, as well as some ladders for retrieving the contracts.

During the first segment, Justin Credible, Teddy Hart, Kaos, Vampiro, all entered the ring. I've wanted to see Teddy in action for a long time, and I wasn't disappointed. He may do some controversial stuff from time to time, but there is no denying that he is a Hart. Lots of good action during the first segment.

During the commercial break, I switched back again. Vince was talking, saying how the new ECW, the old ECW, and the ECW fans sucked. switched back in time to see that Old Spice commercial with Bruce Campbell in it. Bruce rocks.

One more check into ECW and saw that the Originals had interrupted Vince and took out Elijah Burke. That was kind of fun to see. Back to WSX.

Rest of the guys showed up, Puma, Alkatrazz, 6-pac, Chris Hamrick, New jack are now in the ring. Youth Suicide was the last to enter and dumped a bunch of thumbtacks into the ring, so of course he ended up being power bombed into them before being sent into the cage section. Not sure who ended up going into the live wires, but New Jack sent Hamrick through a table before smashing a guitar over the ref's head. He then set Hamrick on another able, climbed to a platform about 20 feet off the ground and nailed an Elbow Drop, sending Hamrick through another table.

In the end, 6-Pac and Vampiro got the contracts and kept fighting as WSX went off the air.

One last check in with ECW, just in time to see Bobby Lashely retain the title against Test. As he celebrated, The Undertake showed up, hinting that he might be going after the ECW Heavyweight title.

Over all, WSX wasn't that bad. the arena tried (maybe a little too hard) to look like an underground wrestling arena. While the one announcer wasn't too bad, the other sucked. Zack Wylde was pretty good though.

Can't wait till next week.

Idiots Gather In D.C.

Saw something interesting over at Kim DuToit's site. Seems that a bunch of people, lead by some of the more outspoken, anti-war celebrities, gathered at the Capital over the weekend. From them, we got some fun sound bites, such as this one from Jane Fonda.
(to the protesters) “Your ongoing commitment to ending this war allows people in other parts of the world to remain hopeful that America has the stuff to become again a country that they can love and respect.”

Yeah, because so many people love and respect us. That's why terrorist hijacked four airliners and flew them into a bunch of buildings one September morning, killing 3000+ people. Because they love and respect us.

As I've said before, we need to stay in Iraq until this is over and we have finished the job. If we leave now, we will lose the respect Fonda mentioned. If the most powerful country in the world can't defeat a militia in some small backwater country, why should countries such as Iran or North Korea fear us. Why should the Russians have shown any fear during the Cold War. Running away with our tail between our legs is the worst thing we could do.

Here's another one, from Ilonka Wloch, an editor from Ithaca, N.Y.
I believe that at heart we as humans all want the same things—safety, love and cooperation

So that explains why radical Muslims want to kill anyone who doesn't follow their particular interpretation of the Qur'an. That explains why we have people killing, stealing, and beating others. Because we all want safety, love, and cooperation.

I have no problem with her claim, but I think it's time to take off the rose colored glasses. The world we live in is a dangerous place, with plenty of people who want nothing more then to cause us harm. To believe anything else is just ignorant.

Then there is This little tidbit I found in the comments for Mr. DuToit's post. Seems that the police officials at the Capital told the cops guarding the capital to fall back and allow the protesters to spray paint stuff on the steps of the Capital! The people in charge of security allowed the protesters to deface the Capital! Someone needs to be fired, and those who did the tagging need to be arrested, but for some reason I have a feeling that nothing will happen.

Newest Vista Feature?

This morning on CNN, they were talking to someone form Cnet about Vista, and one of the seenungly new features is the fact that you can search for any file on your system!.

Wait a second, you've been able to do that in every version of Windoes wince 95 (and possibly before that, I don't remember.)

There is a new feature. You can add tags to the different files and search using those, which could really help, but if you are upgrading, it cold be a hassle. You will have to go through and add tags to any pics or documents, ect that you want to use that feature for. For someone who has a lot of stuff on their computer, that could take a while.

Translation, this is a good feature if you are getting a new CPU with Vista installed, but if you are upgradding, it will be a while before you can take full advatage of it.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Undertaker wins the Royal Rumble!

Last night, in one of the best Rumbles ever, The undertaker defeated Shawn Mic heals to win the match and get a shot at the title of his choice during the main event at Wrestlemania.

In doing so, not only did he win his first Rumble, but he also became the first man to enter at number 30 and win the rumble.

Soon after my picks for winner were thrown out, I figured it would come down to Randy Orton and Edge. Despite the fact that they are the tag team champions, Rated RKO has been fighting for the last couple of weeks. both wanted to win the rumble, and knew that it was everyman for himself. They even hinted at it, but they put aside their differences long enough to blast Micheals and do some damage to taker before the Deadman took them out.

It came down to HBK VS Taker, and the match kept getting better. Both men were almost eliminated several times, but in the end it was Taker who won. After the match he stood there, looking at the crowd as they cheered, even pointing at Micheals as if to tell the fans to cheer him to.

All in all, it was a great Rumble, and is already starting to look like a great Mania. I'm guessing it will be Mr. Kennedy who becomes victim number 15 and gives The Deadman his 5th world title.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Royal Rumble

Tonight is the 20th Annual Royal Rumble. If you don't know what the Rumble is, basicly it's 30 guys in a match, with the goal being to throw your opponants over the top rope. The winner will get a shot ant any (wwe) World Title at Wrestlemania (WWE, World, or ECW.)

The cool thing about this years Rumble is the fact that there is no clear winner. For the past several years, there has been a clear winner, someone who it was ovbious; they were going to win. This year there isn't one.

The Parkers are predicting either Shawn Micheals or The Undertaker, but I think Booker T will win. His current "King" gimmick makes him the perfect choice to wint the Rumble, plus he never got his rematch against Batista after losing the title. Why not have it at Mania.

As an outside pick, I have to go with RVD. Not only would it help ECW big time, but also it would be a great way to finish Lashley VS RVD. They've faced each other twice now, but neither match had a winner. Why not have them settle their differances at the Granddaddy Of Them All.

This of course assumes that Batista and Lashley retain their titles, which thye will. Test has no purpose competing for a world title, and while Mr. Kennedy is good, he's not quite there yet. I could easily see him fueding with with someone over the title after Mania though.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Two Stars

This story took about a year and a half to write, mainly because I was writing it in a notebook before going to sleep while visiting relatives. Finaly I took it to the Fiend to finish it, and this is the end result. It ended up being a bit allagorical, which wasn't planned. It just kind of happened. Some have said that it is also a bit preachy, and while that wasn't intentional (and most haven't mentioned it) that is how the story turned out.


Two Stars

“Look at it. What a lovely shade of blue. Rarely do you see such a beautiful planet.”

“Now brother. Don’t go getting attached. We have a job to do, and unless you can offer me an alternative, I will do it. By myself if need be.”

“But surely there must be another way. An alternative we haven’t thought of.”

“This is the only way.”

“No. There must be another way. We were sent to take a few of this world’s creatures. Why must we take them all?”

“Because it is the best way.”

“No, it is not. While we would indeed be successful, we would take billions of innocents along with the few guilty we were assigned to.”

There are none who are innocent dear brother. For each, in their heart of hearts, bears more wickedness, hatred, and spite then we have yet encountered. Why, even the youngest of these carries with in them the capacity for more evil then you could possibly imagine.”

“You speak of their potential for evil, but where that exists, the potential for good also exists. I see within these deeds of such valor that it would cancel out, and indeed overwhelm, any wicked deeds that you see in them.”

“That may be. They may be capable of such deeds, however the inherent a nature of these beings is one of wickedness. They are a dangerously savage child race that would sooner destroy each other then save one of their own.”

“How can you be so certain of this if you have not observed these creatures before?”

“Brother, I am ashamed of you. Remember, I have been doing this for far longer then you, nor is this my first time to this planet. I have had many assignments here. Believe me when I tell you that taking them all now will save us the trouble of returning here in the future.”

“Who are you to decide who we shall and shall not take? You are neither Judge, nor Jury.”

“Do not speak to me of the Judge. He merely sits there and chooses, seemingly at random. It is up to us to do His dirty work.”

“He does indeed work in mysterious ways at times. And I do not always understand His reasoning, but it is not our responsibility to do so.”

“Exactly. It is our responsibility to go out and reap those whom He has chosen, while He sits there and does nothing. I am convinced that even I could do a better job.”

“While it may seem that He does nothing, I have heard rumors that even His inaction is merely part of a larger plan. I have even heard that He has such great compassion for those whom He presides over that he sent his own Son as an ambassador.”

“It is no rumor that He sent His Son, but how did the people, whom the Judge cares so deeply for, respond to Him? With scorn. With ridicule. They beat Him, they spat upon Him, and finally, after much torment and suffering, they killed him. Hot a quick, painless death, but a slow, agonizing, painful death. How He could possibly have any compassion after such events is unimaginable.”

“And yet He does brother. He could have sent an entire battalion of us to take them. He could have wiped them out of existence with a mere thought and condemned them all to eternal damnation, but He instead showed compassion, ordering us to harvest them only when He deemed it was their time. Likewise we must show compassion on these brother, and take only those whom we have been assigned to take.”

“Which brings us to our original point brother. If we only take the few to whom we have been assigned, then soon we, or someone else, will be sent to take more. Again and again we will return, and again and again they will perform evil deeds against their fellow man. While compassion is good, it has a time and a place. The most logical, and practical, approach is to take them all now, and let Him sort them out.”

“You sadden me brother, for you speak of logic, yet you refuse to approach this from a logical direction. You wish to punish the innocent along with the guilty, yet such an approach is illogical. The innocent have done no wrong, and the guilty have shown the ability to reform.”

“They can and have reformed, but that does not absolve them of their past sins.”
“Maybe not in the eyes of these people, but if He is willing to forgive even the most wicked of them, then so am I. You should feel the same brother.”

“Show me one upon this world who is untouched by the hand of the Fallen One, and I will gladly spare them all, taking only those whom we have been ordered to take, but you can not, can you? There is not a single soul whom he had not affected. His evil had permeated the fabric, the very lifeblood of this world. I say again dear brother, there are none in this world’s realm who are innocent. All will stand before the Judge and be found guilty of their crimes.”

“If you would only look at them through the eyes of Him whom we serve, you would see that, to those who have asked for Him to show mercy, He has shown it. For them, he sees no ill deeds, only the good. Likewise we must see them in the same light. Simply because they haven’t yet asked to be pardoned doesn’t mean they won’t. That is why we must take only those whom we have been assigned.”

“Your naiveté is refreshing dear brother, and your speech quite moving. Perhaps upon our return you should consider defending them when it is their time to stand trial. In the mean time, I ask you to stand aside, that I may do what must be done.”

“It pains me brother, but if you advance upon these, I will stand before you in their defense. You will not take any whom we have not been ordered to take. If need be, I will use all power at my disposal to stop you.”

“Do not make me laugh dear brother. In all the times we have done battle, you have yet to defeat me. Were it not for the fact that our battles were merely practice, I would have destroyed you long ago. You are no match for me dear brother, nor shall you ever be. Step aside, so that I may accomplish my mission.”

“And who gave you that mission, may I ask? Certainly not the Judge, since I was there when he gave us our orders. No brother, that sounds more akin to something the fallen one would say. His contempt for these and his hatred for the Judge know no bounds. He cared not for the beings of this world, and would like nothing more then to see them stand before the Judge before the can beg for mercy.”

“You wound me dear brother, by comparing me to him. And yet my way is the most logical. If you feel that logic is the work of the fallen one, then I feel sorry for you dear brother. Now stand aside, if you do not have the stomach to do what must be done. I have a job to do.”

“As do I. We have sworn to obey the Judge and follow his orders. We have also sworn to stand in the way of any who do wrong. By attempting to harm the innocents below, you have forced me to stop you. Now stand down bother!”

“It will take more then you to stop me dear brother.”

Walking down the street holding her father’s hand, Illanna looked up at the sky in wonder. She pointed, and her father saw it too. They stood and watch, and gradually others saw it too.

Two points of light flew towards each other and seemed to collide with a flash. Like two stars locked in battle.

Gobal Warming?

I accidental read the paper from Tuesday (I think) yesterday at work, not realizing it until I finished reading an article on Global Warming. According to the article, the global temperature has risen, in a period between 1901-2005 a whopping

1.2 degrees Fahrenheit!

Wait, what?

Your telling me that in 104 years the temp has only risen 1.2 degrees? that works out to be 0.012 degrees a year.

I know that just a few degrees can make a lot of difference. For example, there are only about 17 degrees difference between simmering and boiling water, but such a small change, over such a long period of time is is barely worth mentioning.

The article went on to say that the hottest years in that time were 1998 and 2005, and that 2006 was hotter still. So this, plus the 1.2 degree temperature increase, supports global warming, right?


In fact, I think it does more to support the theory that the climate goes through cycles every few hundred years. If the temp had jumped 12 or 21 degrees in the last 105 years, then maybe I would be worried, but all I see is something that is probably a natural occurrence.

Of course Tree Huggers and Environmentalists are going to use this data to support their claim that we are slowly killing the planet with air pollution. while I don't denie that we need to take better care of the planet, I'm not going to jump onto the global warming bandwagon because of 1.2 degrees.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I got some cheapo bacon that we had on sale during dollar Days last week, and some of the pieces were mostly pork fat! One piece is only about 2 inchs long, but it is almost all fat and is a 1/4 of an inch thick! normally I would be mad, but since I love to use pork fat while cooking, this is a very good thing :)

Those pieces are definatly going in the container I keep in the fridge. that way I don't have to fry up some pacon or something every time I want to use pork fat while cooking (I usually make bacon in the toaster over, with a catch pan undernieth the catch the grease, which I sae for later use.)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Enemies At The Gates

The warriors advanced through the fog, their red eyes piercing through the night. Their black helmets hid their faces. The face panels down, all that could be seen was their eyes. Their helms were a twisted abomination of the one I wore on my own head. Their armor was impressive and fearsome, and as black as the hearts in their chests. Their swords were just as wicked. Made of black steel, the twisted serpents fangs looked as if they could pierce armor just as easily as flesh.

They continued their advance until the reached the gate of the caer. They stared at me through the portcullis. I could smell the hate, the anger, the evil radiating from them. I looked up and saw that they were climbing the wall. The soldiers on the wall were being overwhelmed. The portcullis started to rise. I drew my sword.

This was it. If we failed to defeat this unholy army, the Great King would fall.

Check Your Facts!

I'm watching CNN while getting ready for work and they just said that, after sending a reporter to investigate, the reports that Senator Obama went to a radical Islamic school were not accurate and apologiezed for reporting the story in the first place.

I heard about this story a the other day while exploring the liberal side of the sphere, but choose not to comment on it. I would probobly still choose not to comment on it, but the CNN said something else.

A few minutes later they did a weather report, and they showed some pictures of Cactus with snow on it. While this is unusual, it's no big deal. What I found most interesting is the fact that they thanked the viewers for sending the pics, saying that they wouldn't have mentioned it if there hadn't been proof.

Excuse me? They announce that a senator and possible presidential hopeful went to a radical Islamic school with out checking their information, but they need proof before they will talk about snow on a cactus?

I can understand wanting to be the first to report something like that, but to do so with out checking it out first is irresponsable. As a trusted source for news, I expect them to act professionaly. I expect the same from any news source, whether local paper, radio station, T.V. news, website, or blog. That is why so many of my posts have a lot of links in them. I try to learn everything I can and referance my sources as much as possible, even if it's something as pointless as the fact that the guy who played BAtman in Batman: TAS played Robin's dad in the new series. (here is the post where I talked about that.)

If they can't atleast check their information before reporting it, they should atleast say that it is a rumor, or list it as breaking news and say that they will let us know more as the story developes. as I said, it's the least they can do.

Monday, January 22, 2007

YEAH! While looking for another video on Youtube, I stumbled across this one, which was the intro segment for the second to last episode of Supernatural Season 1, "Salvation." The video pretty much sums up season 1, up to that point. hopefully they will do something like this for season two as well.

Finaly A Hero For Gamers!

After years of having to put up with idiots like Lieberman, Clinton, and Thompson it seems that Gamers finaly have a politition on their side. Joystiq posted this.

Here is the video of Shurtleff's PSA, incase you don't want to read the article.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Real Batman Returns

I have to admit, when I first saw The Batman, I didn't like it. The main problem, they had Batman making jokes and throwing out one-liners while fighting the badguys, and the fact that they redesinged some of the vilians bigtime, completely changing them. (I also thought that Bruse looked too much like Jackie Chan did in his cartoon, but since I liked the cartoon, I don't mind too much:) )

After four seasons, it is still kind of hard for me to accept the new show though, after growing up watching Batman: The Animated Series amd the various DCAU series, it would be hard for them to beat what Bruce Timm created. Then again, it will be hard for anyone to top the excellence of the DCAU. If they had stayed in the G1 continuity, Transformers could have done it, but when they changed to the RID and then Unicron continuities, they fell behind the DCAU big time. (The DCAU, which begain in 1992 and lasted until 2006, was all one universe. G1 Continuity lasted just as long, but there was a long gap between G1 andBeast Wars.)

That being said, I have enjoyed the series since Batman became more serious and more Dark Knight-y. I especially liked the episode they showed today on Kids WB, A Matter Of Family, whic introduces Robin to the new show. In addition to being a good episode, and the first to show Robin's orgin as anything other then a flashback, it also had two veteran voice actors on the cast; MArk Hamill played Tony Zucco while Kevin Conroy played John Grayson, Dick's father. While Hamill is best known as Luke Skywalker, he is best known in the DCAU as the Clown Prince Of Crime, The Joker. Conroy's biggest claim to fame? He played Batman in the DCAU. According to Wikipedia, if you add up all the times he spent playing Batman, he has spent more time as the Dark Knight then Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, and Christian Bale combined.

Obviously Conroy won't be back, atleast not as John Grayson, but Zucco was still alive at then ed of the episode, so he might be back. Hammill did a better job as The Joker, but anytime he plays a villian, he does a good job.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Poe's Birthday

Today is Edger Allen Poe's birthday. While I haven't ready even a fourth of his works, I've loved everything I've read. In fact, after reading The Raven, I was inspired to start working on The Girl In THe House, and the subsequent development of the Pine Creek Murders.

I recommend everyone read Poe's work. There is a link in the sidebar that contains most, if not everything, he ever wrote.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do :)

Iwo Jima

Mail Call is doing a show about the Battle Of Iwo JIma right now. The men who protrayed as heros now, in film and print, and it gave us one of the most famous images of World War 2, or any war; the raising of the US flag on Iwo Jima.

One of the Marines who faught there said that while making his way to the beach he knew he might die, but he knew that they were fighting for freedom, and it was worth dieing for.

On the first day, there were 500+ Marines killed, by the end of the battle, 6,825 Marines had been killed.

Why am I writing about this? Because I find it ironic that a famous battle, one that most think of as a good thing, had more the twice the number of deaths that have been suffered in Iraq. There have been 3000+ plus US troops killed in action in Iraq since the war started almost four years ago. 6,825 were killed at Iwo Jima in a little over a month.

Iwo Jima is remembered as a famous, necessary battle in the fight for freedom. I can't help but wonder if the war in Iraq will be remembered the same way.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

New Bill To Restrict First Ammendment Rights?

Found this at the American Center For Law And Justice (got there by following a link from Stop The ACLU.)

It seems that the new speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is trying to ge a bill passed which would require some churches to register as grass roots lobbiests. Why? Because some pasters speak about moral issues and try to get their congragations to take an active role about said issues.

In addition to teaching from the Bible, isn't that part of a paster's job? To lead thier congragation, to lead hem down the right path (at least as they see it.)

More importantly, this is a violation of not only freedom of speach, but also freedom of religion. By placing restrictions on what a paster can and cannot say, the bill would violate the first ammendment.

I think a paragraph near the end of the article says it best.
Nancy Pelosi’s proposed legislation would have stopped Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from gathering support for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In fact, as he addressed the social issues from the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA, he might well have had to register as a lobbyist.

If there are any good Christians, or even fans of the first ammendment, out there who think that the Dems taking control is a good idea, now might be a good time to rethink that.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The War On Terror

Today, in the letters section of the Star Tribune, there was a letter who's writer said that since Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, it has nothing to do with the war on terror, and that terrorist-type attacks didn't start until we sent in troops.

What the writer of the letter fails to see is that the war on terror is like the war on drugs, it isn't targetted at one group or individual. It isn't the war against al-Qaeda. or the Taliban. It is against terror, or more accuratly terrorists, and terroristic activities, which means where ever there is terroist activity, we will fight it, until all terrorists are defeated or the anti-war people get their way.

Unfortunatly that is impossible. Even in the sometimes utopian future protraied in Star Trek there are terrorises. The most we can do is eliminate or contain threats as they arise.

"But R.C., What does this have to do with Iraq? Didn't you just say that terrorist attacks didn't start there until the troops arrived?"

Anyone who says that is ignoring the facts. Saddam and his boys were terrorists. I can't think of a better description of someone who would chop (or grind) up a person's body and present it to the deceased's family. Saddam was exicuted due to his involvement in the deaths of hundreds, possibly thousands of men, women, and children. He did it through the use of biological and chemical weapons. He did it through the use of the Iraqi army and extremist groups loyal to him. He might not have pulled the trigger, but he is no less guilty.

And before anyone says anything about Saddam's exicution, hold on for a moment. I plan on posting my thoughts about his exicution, as well as those guys exicuted earlier today.

Some people would point out that Bush has sent in troops, and if Saddam is guilty of killing people using Iraq's army, then so is Bush. The differance is Saddam used his army for revenge and to control, to strike fear into the hearts of the Iraqi people. Bush sent in the troops to take him down.

Like it or not, this is as much a part of the war on terror as the fighting in Afganistan.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Aliens VS Doctor Who?

I'm reading through the Episode summaries for Doctor Who and I found out two things. One, Meat Loaf is a big fan and hopes to get a cameo on the show. Two, Ridley Scott was the person who was originally suppose to design the Daleks.

Yes, the same Ridley Scott that gave us such Sci-Fi classics as Blade Runner and the Alien Series. He had to back out due to scheduling problems, but I can't help but wonder what they would have looked like if he had designed them.

Update: Sure Batman and Superman man may have faced the Xenomorphs and the Preditors, but the best one is right here, Green Lantern VS Aliens. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go order this one off Amazon.
I'm watching a show on Moonshining on the History Channel, and one of the people they talked to mentioned that we, as a country are very anti-athority. This anti-athority spirit is what lead us to rebel against the british. It is what makes activities like Moonshining so appealing.

I thought it was interesting that, as important as this is to us and our history, how little of it seems to exist today, as we seemingly embrace athority and control

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I think I'm done riding. Atleast for a few weeks. My knees have been killing me, and after having to ride to work yesterday it was hard to walk this morning.

It's kind of pathetic too. I mean it's only a 6 minute ride at a nice, liesurely pace. has it been so hard for me to ride to work this week?

This week part of the problem was a strong head wind, and the fact that I fraked up my right knee at work (twisted on it and the knee gave out in the process) but that doesn't explain the pain in my left knee. Yes it is the one in the worse shape, but it still shouldn't be causing so much trouble.

I think part of the problem is the cold, which is kind of wierd. I ice down my knees after training rides or when they hurt alot, so you think cold weather would help with the pain, but nope. Just seems to make them hurt worse.

So long story short, I'm not riding for the next week or two. Give my knees a chance to recover before I even think about riding bike anywhere.

Which means I better get the battery in my truck replaced ASAP!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Casey IMed me asking for help with a site he's doing, and it got me thinking about doing my own code for this site. Don't know when it will happen, but I am slowly working on completely rewriting the code for the Freak Show. Hopefully I will have a progress bar up soon, but until then I will just post my progress under my NaNoWriMo stats.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

While I was at work today, I read that the Democrates want to open an investigation into the war in Iraq. Of course one of the subjects mentioned that will be investigated is the often mentioned "lies about Weapons Of Mass Destruction."

I love this one. Anytime someone brings it up, I just smile.

While some anti-war conservatives complain about Bush's claims that Iraq had WMDs, it seems to be mostly liberals, people hoping for the second coming of Clinton, who are whining about it.

Why do I love the complaint that Bush lied about the WMDs? Simple. Bush wasn't the first to do it. Most liberals forget that Clinton sent bombers in for the same reason. In fact he had the same intel, from the same source, as Bush.

Back in 1994 or 95, one if Saddam's som-in-laws came to the US seeking assylum. He is the one who told us about the WMDs. Saddam eventually convinced him, as well as another Son-In-Law, to return to Iraq, claiming that they will be safe. He killed both of them, chopped them up, and gave their bodies to their widows.

[warning. part of what fallows is speculation on my part.]

Meanwhile, we have this info, that we believe is reliable, and so Clinton uses it, sending in inspectors and eventually bombers. After a few weeks, it was seemingly forgotten until Bush brought it up a few years back and used it as justification to sen din troops.

Personally I thought (and still think) that Clinton should have sent in the troops, but [here is the spectulation part] all he cared about was getting his afair with Monica Lewinski out of the headlines for a while. That is why, in my opinion, he never sent in troops and seemed to forget about any action against Iraq after a few weeks.

Clinton sent in inspectors and bombers to get his affair out of the paper. Bush sent in the troops, liberated a country from a cruel dictator, and brought Saddam to justice.

from the looks of things, Bush is the lesser of two evils in this situation.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Your Friendly Neighborhood Ballarina

I have a theory. My theory, which is mine, which is to say I wrote it is as follows. [clears throat] All brontosauruses are thin at one end; much, much thicker in the middle and then thin again at the far end.

Wait. That's not my theory. That's a Monty Python Sketch!

Ok. This is my theory, which is mine, which is to say I wrote it.

The increased use over the last several years of P2P software, and the resulting increase of Pirated software, movies, and music, is the fault of the anti-Piracy groups.

Allow me to explain. Back in the day, they were reffered to as Bootleg movies, music, ect. and the only ones sharing files over then net were Ultra Nerds. Then Napster showed up and someone started to call it's use Piracy.

Piracy, of course, sounds better then Bootlegging, and the term became common usage. Meanwhile, use of Napster and other file-sharing software increased.

This is why it is their fault that it is such a "problem." If they had chosen something that wasn't as cool, something like Ballarina, then it wouldn't be an issue. Sure the Ultra Nerds would still be sharing files, but most people wouldn't. After all, who want's to be known as an Internet Ballarina.
Since the battle against our favorite troll ended, I've been reading "his" blog, in case he accually decided to take my suggestion and post about how badly he was treated here. Instead, I have found no end to the amount of amusement I've gotten, not just from that site, but also from several other liberal blogs that they have linked to in their posts. I think my favorite one was this one, talking about how the NRA are backing away in their support of President Bush.

The part I liked the best about the post is the fact that the first several comments are pointing out how stupid it was to post a story about it and were accually pretty neutral. Of course that didn't last long. I especially like the part where the guy implies that the NRA is made up entirely of "rich white men." Guess that means my dad is a rich man, after all, he's been an NRA member for a long time now.

Of course, the comments for the Washington Post artical (found here went south right away. And for some reason, I'm not suprised.
I was watching CNN while getting ready for work this morning, and they were talking to a couple who's home was destroyed during Hurricane Katrina who were finaly going to get money from their inssurance company for the damages.

I did think it was cool of them when they said that they didn't want more then what their account was worth. I'm sure they wouldn't mind getting more, but they will be happy with what they are entitled to.

One thing that I didn't think was too cool was the fact that they said that they believed in global warming. It was ackward and had nothing to do with the story, and I can't help but wonder why it was in there. Did CNN tell them to say it? Did Al Gore ask them to?

All I know is it had nothing to do with the story.

In a related story (related because it also has to do with a natural disaster) It was announced that the Fires in California have destroyed 16 homes, one of them belonging to Suzanne Somers. Aparently the other people who's homes were destroyed weren't as important as Suzanne Somers.
California Fires destroy Suzan Summer's house

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Top 12 Comic Book Superweapons

Casey sent me this the other day.

It's an interesting list, and since they included plenty of links, I have spent the last few days reading about each of them on Wikipedia.

Only complate is the location of Green Lanten's ring and Mjolnir. They should definatly be at the top of the list, with the wielders of the weapons duking it out for first place (That way I don't have to betray my loyalty to Marvel by placing GL, my favorite D.C. hero at the top :) )

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Finish What You Start

I just got back from a friend's house, where I spent the afternoon watching Doctor Who (always fun :) ) As I was driving back to my apartment, the station was doing their news broadcast. I wasn't paying too much attention until I heard a congresswoman say that we won't abandon the troops, that we will bring them home.

That is good. I have no problem with bringing them back, eventually.

Pulling the troops out now would go against a lesson I'm sure most of us learned as children; finish what you start. How many of us started something and left to do something else, only to have our mothers tell us to finish what we started? I'm sure each of us has heard it at least once.

Iraq's government is trying to rebuild itself, the country has suffered a ton of damage, and there are still insurgents to deal with. Until all of these are taken care of, or at least dealt with to the point where they aren't a problem, Iraq is still a work in progress.

If we pull the troops out now, the Iraqi government, still in its infancy, could collapse. The insurgents could take over. Until the situation over there stabilizes, we can't bring the troops home.

Will this happen soon? Hopefully, but not likely. Saddam's exaction will probably just serve to rally his supporters.

Am I in favor of the war? Irelivent. Do I think we shouldlet them handle the situation themselves? Irellivent.

In the end, we started something over there, and we need to finish it.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

And The Winner Is...

If this is your first visit to my little corner of the Sphere, then this isn't for you. It is for those of us who fought in the recent battle against a troll named Dusin. If you want the details, then read on, the trap that was set for him, as well as the revelation of his true identity, are there for all to see.

If you have been here before, or if you participated in the battle, then ou may have noticed that all the comments are gone, replaced by Haloscan. I figured it worked for Habbs, then it's good enough for me. The main reason for the change, is because it allows me to ban IP#s, so we won't have to worry about Dustin anymore.

As for you Dustin, if you want to whine about me not allowing you to practice your freedom of speech. If you want to complain that I am a racist or a homophobe, then go right ahead. I'm sure that the readers of the blog you claim to write for would love to hear about it. In fact, link to here, link to this post that you're reading right now, because I'm about to read the charges filed against you.

1.) Accusations of homophobia, with no evidance to support your claims.
2.) Accusations of racism, with no evidance to support your claims.
3.) Accusations of racial bias, with no evidance to support your claims.
4.) Refusal to remain on topic or post comments as being off topic.
5.) Making what this blogger considers racist comments.

You once said that the war in Iraq was lost, and I pointed out that, much like a wrestling match, It's not over until the bell rings.

Well Dustin, or Goldust, or what ever you want to call yourself this time, just as I did so many times in WCWF, I Layed The Smackdown! and I Glorystomped You In To Next Tuesday!

And as the final bell rang, and the music played, the announcer said in a loud voice, for all to hear

"The winner of this match is

The Iceman!"

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cry Havok! And Let Slip The Dogs Of War!

For the last few days, a person named Dustin Clark has been posting comments to some of my post, in some cases ignoring the topic of the post and using it for his own personal forum, in an attempt to get into an arguement with me. I didn't mind, thinking here was an oppertunity for an intelligent debate on the subjects I posted about. I did wonder why he refered to my by name, and seemed to know me in some of the posts, but I just ignored it, figuring he got my name from the link on my Myspace page. After all, the first hit came from there. (Before any one calls me a hypocrite after all the times I have expressed my dislike for Myspace, I joined so that I could read Eric's blog, and I figured it would be a good way to get hits here. so far there have been 3 or 4 unique hits, including Dustin's.)

But as time went by, I started to see something familiar about some of his comments. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew I had encountered him some where before.

Then, Monday night, For some reason I was bothering to think about him, and the comments he had made, I an realized I knew where I had encountered him before. But that wasn't enough. I needed to know confirm my suspisions. I needed to make sure he was who I thought he was.

So after discussing it with Eric and comparing notes, I layed my trap, in the form of the previous post, and sure enough he took the bait, responding exactly as I thoguht he would, and as only somewhone who had been in WCWF when he was there could. The only obstical was the fact that he posted anonymously, but a quick check of the counter confirmed his identity, showing his IP#, ISP, The town he was in, and even the location of his ISP.Checking the times, there is little doubt that the mysterious poster is non other then our good friend Dustin Clark

Or should I say Goldust.

Dustin, we kicked your arse out of WCWF 4 years ago, and to see you continuing to torment Eric and I is, to say the least, pathetic. Get a life. Not only was it a game, it wasn't even an original character that you were using. Plus, you were the one that got yourself fired, due to continued violations of the WCWF rules and regulations, as well as a blantant disregard to orders from Eric, who had final say on everything since he was in charge. We gave you more then enough time and warnings, and you failed to change your ways. We gave you plenty of oppertunities, and in the end, we had no choice but to fire you!

As I said, this is pathetic. Do you really have nothing better to do then hold onto 4 year old gruges? Get a life man. Find a girl (or guy if that is your preferance) and find something more important to do then torment us.

As for the Freak Show, you are no longer welcome here. Do not darken my corner of the sphere with your presence again. I have no problem with intellegent discussion of the stuff I post, and I am more then willing to defend what I have said in each post. You proved 4 years ago that you arn't cappable of an intelligent discussion, and it seems that nothing has changed.

It's over Goldy. I'm done dealing with you. I have more important things to do then deal with you. Such as picking lint from my belly button.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I was cleaning up my tower, deleteing some stuff I didn't need anymore, burning stuff that I did onto Cds, and I cam across a bunch of my old WCWF stuff. WCWF was an E-Fed that me and a friend ran for about 5 1/2 years before, for various reason, we decided to close it down. We've talked about doing a reunion show, but for now, WCWF is closed for business.

I had a lot of fun in WCWF, and I think it helped my writing a lot. I didn't have too much trouble with the story lines or dialog, but I wasn't too good at writing the Fight scenes, so when Eric asked me to be a writer for WCWF, I figured it wold be a great oppertunity to improve my fight scenes, and it did.

In fact, I think the only time it wasn't to much fun was when we had some Jabronies that were trying to take over. We kicked them out, but they continued to torment us for a few years. AS far as I know, they finaly got a life, but still it is kind of pathetic that some guys would hold a gruge for so long when we were completely justified to kick them out.

I do have to admit, I did have fun with an ongoing fued with one of them, who played as Goldust the guy couldn't cut a decent promo to save his life, and I took great joy every time I went against him, cutting promos and destroying him in the ring. I felt a little sad when we kicked him out.

Fortunatly that feeling only lasted a few seconds.

Guy needs to get a life though, because I guess he has been causing problems with Eric. It's been like 3 or 4 years now, and the guy won't let it go. Pathetic, isn't it.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Projects In 2007

Since on of the purposes of this blog is my writting projects, I figured I would share what I have in store for my Non-Exsistant Readers.

As I said in the last post, I posted the first issue of Fantasy and hope to do it as a weekly series. I also have planns for a few more shorts set in the Epic Universe (where my superhero stuff takes place.) In addition to a story featuring Ninja Force, I have a few more set in the Epicniverse planned. Out side of the Epicverse, I also have plans for a second weekly series that I hope to start either this summer or fall. It will be called Power Force and will be set in a new universe and take place in the present.

Not only that, but I also plan on starting the story that set me down this crazy path of becoming an author. Maze Of Doom will most likely start some time this spring and will be a weekly series with a fantasy setting.

In addition to the weekly series, I also have some series planned for here. I have five more parts planned for Dragon, with the conclusion planned for December. This might end up changing if I think of new stories involving Aton, the name I've given to the main character in the series. If I can't, there is always a possibility of new stories set in the Dragon universe.

I also have 2 new series planned. One, The Siege, will be a five part series taking place as an enamy force invades a fort. The other currently doesn't have a name or length, since I just started developing it a few days ago. I'm still working on some storylines, characters, ect. Hopefully I will have mroe info on it soon.

I also have several stand alone shorts and flashes planned, including a spiritual sequal to The Girl In The House called The Man In The Mirror. I also hope to get caught up with and continue my wrestling stuff.

Should be a busy year for writing.

New Years Resolutions 2007

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This year was a lot better then last year. It could have been better. Originaly I was going to go to the cities to celebrate with my family, but then my manager decided to be an idiot and change the schedule at the last minute, Wasn't too bad though, because I got to spend New Years with friends. We did an all night worship service at church, which was kind of cool.

This year is already going pretty good. I already posted the first "issue" in a Fantasy regular series and there is a Metalocalypse marathon on.

Little recap of last year's resolutions, I did a lot more trail riding then last year. I could have done more, but I still did a lot more then I did in 2005. And while I didn't finish any writing projects, I did get a lot done, as seen by the writing projects sections. (total of 31 short stories or parts of a series. not bad since I didn't really start until late June.) I didn't meet anyone, but since my social life sucked until a couple of months ago, I'm just going to ignore that one.

No for some new resolutions for this year.

1.) Get a job that doesn't involve working in a grocery store. I've done that for 9 1/2 years so far. I don't really want to make it 10.

2.) Write more and break my record for NaNoWriMo. I think I will be able to keep the first part no problem. The NaNoWriMo one might be harder, but we'll just have to wait till November to find out how I do.

3.) Not end 07 alone. Hopefully this will be the year I meet Misses Right.